Future Visions (Final Chapter)

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-Notch's P.O.V-

Silver moonlight shone through the window into my office, illuminating the cold stone floor and casting long shadows against the walls. There was something about the sheer calm of the night that was almost eerie. It was like it was too calm, and I didn't know why. Then I remembered - a weight had been lifted from the shoulders of me and Minecraft, as my brother had been killed. I felt a pang of grief as I remembered his name, for he had not always been a murderer. He had been a loving brother long ago, and we had laughed and played together all the time. That was before he became infected. At first we thought it was some kind of weird genetic mutation or disease, some kind of odd bug that would simply change his appearance a little. We thought coming through the portal to Minecraft would help fix it. Instead, upon arriving, he changed. His heart became colder and he became for hostile and secretive. Then, one day, he snapped. He attacked the world, destroying two of the castle's towers, letting armies of mobs into the city and killing thousands of people. The people of my world remember that day as The Blood King's Birthday, or in the ancient language Dez Blucre Royat Bertaine. I would remember it as the day I lost the one person I cared for above all else.

As I stood by the window, pondering my multi-hundred year life, I began to see things that I don't really know to be true or not. I saw the shadow of a great purple-eyed flying beast, a desolate land of tall towers and some kind of stone nest, and of three people. I could not clearly see who the people were or what they were doing, but there were three in all for sure. I began to hear things too - cries of panic and fear, rage-filled shrieks of battle and the weeps of a grieving woman. Again, I couldn't tell who was making the sounds, but they sent shivers down my spine. Then I heard four very clear lines:

A dark force rises as a spirit falls

A dark force dies behind shadow walls

And at his death, the monster trio comes forth

As lives they take and chaos they cause

Though I didn't know it at the time, those four lines were a warning. A warning that peace had not yet come to the Minecraft universe I ruled for so long. In fact, 'peace' was something we were far from.

A/N I know, it's short, but I tried >.< Also, does anyone here watch Hetalia? I'm kinda going through a Hetalia phase right now XD PASTAAAAAAAAAAAA~

Anyway, this concludes New Worlds! Actually, this chapter was more of a hint at the events of the final two books, A Dark Force Rises and Monster Trio. I hope you've enjoyed this book ^^ The third installment in the series will be released soon. 

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