You got me fucked up!

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I had been calling Trish for a few days but still nothing. I noticed she deactivated her social media accounts so I called her dad but no answer. I wonder what the hell going on so I hopped in one of Marks cars and headed towards Tallahassee. I'm worried sick this is my best friend and this was unusual. After about 7 hours on the road I made it to our townhouse we shared. Her car was there and the lights were on, I could hear music coming from the living room and see a shadow walking around. I tried to use my key but the lock was changed. My car was in the garage but I had a spare to Trish car, I opened the door and pressed the button to get into the garage. I'm sure she didn't hear me coming in with the music up so loud.

As I walked around the kitchen into the living room, I see this little bitch twirling her naked ass in front of my nigga! My eyes got so big and all I could do was pull my gun out my purse walking right up to her. Mark jumped out his skin. "Baby what the fuck?" He yelled. "So this what we doing now? My fucking best friend and my nigga?" I cried. "Bitch you switched out on me for a nigga?" I yelled. I couldn't believe this bitch! It wasn't even the fact that he was my nigga but this bitch was like my sister, my partner! "So what y'all was fucking and bout to cut me off?" I asked. Trish started crying she was sorry and all that blah, blah shit I didn't care to hear. "You was fucking my nigga behind my back! I shared everything with you! Since you want to fuck, lets fuck!" I yelled. Mark was shook, he just sat there saying it wasn't like that. But it was. They wanted to fuck so I let them right in front of me. I sat on the ottoman with my gun in my hand watching them. Trish was hard down crying and Mark was trying to look like he wasn't interested. "Pow!" I fired a shot in his leg. Mark screamed, Trish screamed and I laughed.

They really had crossed the wrong bitch! I wasn't going to kill them but I was definitely going to enjoy this. I picked up my phone and dialed Trish nigga and told him to come over. When he got there he lost it and started beating her ass. See Trish wasn't the problem because she's easily influenced, she lets others control her. Now Mark had me so wrapped up in his shit when we met I had to use it against him. "If you want to live to see another day you'll get me 100K by tomorrow morning, don't ever contact neither of us again and continue your life without me or I'll turn everything in to the Feds." I said. "Mannnnnnn you got me fucked up!" He yelled. I shot his knee. He started screaming. "Alright!!!" Mark made a call and told the person he needed them, I knew it was Block. I couldn't let him leave so I took him to the hospital and said someone was shooting at him. I stayed right there while he went into surgery and when he came out. "Bitch you crazy!" He whispered, still a bit sedated. Block called me and I told him where we were. When he came in he was looking confused. I got the bag and told him Mark would explain when he woke up. I left the hospital, went by the house, gathered somethings, called the landlord, broke my lease and left.

As for my store I took my name off of it and let Trish keep that. I had bigger things to do and a new life to start. I cancelled the lease down south also. I hopped in my car and headed north on i75.

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