Here's to 21

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Since G fight was my birthday weekend, Chyna and I decided to fly out and celebrate with the guys. We'd been dating for about two months and I really liked her and she loved me, she stopped working at the club and was now in cosmetology school so she could work at the shop.

We arrived in Vegas around 3pm and checked in our suite at the MGM. When we walked in the room it was decorated with hella balloons, roses, designer bags on the bed and 2 lingerie sets. "Happy birthday bae!" Chyna said. I turned around and started smiling, crying, kissed her "thank you baby!" The bell hop brought our bags up and she ran us a bath in the big jacuzzi tub. We fucked from the tub to the bed. I had never ate pussy but Chyna made sure she let me know how. She knew how to get me going and did her thang. This was the best birthday ever.

After a few hours we wake up from all the sexing, got dressed and met up with G for dinner. When we got there G had a lady friend with him and another couple. I introduced Chyna to him and he introduced the others. We chatted a bit during dinner but Chyna was kind of quiet which was rare. So when we got in the Uber to go back to the room I began to question the issue. Before I could begin she said "so you're in business with my sons father?" I was lost because G only came to the store after hours when she wasn't around, I never mentioned his name and she never told me who Jays dad was just that he wasn't around. She seemed upset but how could she be when it's not like I knew. The remainder of the night was silent.

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