Shots Fired

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While in the club I seen G and a nigga talking, a lot of hand movements and their body language told me it wasn't good. G was a hot head for real and even though he was a professional boxer he still didn't mind giving niggas the biz. That's exactly what it looked like was about to happen.

As we were exiting the club there were a few niggas standing around, looking like slum ass niggas. "Aye Chy get in the car." I whispered to her. The niggas had vengeance in their eyes and a lot of heat directed at G. I wasn't sure if it was the dude from inside the club people or his opponents crew but it was time to go. I walked over to him and Block to say goodnight and thanks for the night. "Shawty you know you A1 wit me!" G said. "Aight Gigi y'all get out of here." Block said. If Block said move you move! I headed back to the truck and we pulled off. I didn't know what was about to happen but I could feel it wasn't about to be good.

Before we could even get to the light you could hear gun fire erupt and people screaming. I looked back and everyone was running for their lives but I didn't see G. Chyna started screaming and crying "GO!!!" I wanted the driver to turn around but I also didn't know if I would be targeted next. My phone started ringing it was Block. "G and his girl got hit up we're on the way to the hospital. Meet us there." He said. We were just pulling into our hotel but I told the driver to take us. Now Chy is going nuts, I'm trying my best to console her but even I started crying. When we reached the hospital it was chaos, the wouldn't let us in and the police had it blocked off and media was everywhere. "Block they won't let us in!" I screamed through the phone. Block came outside and told the officers I was his wife and they let us through. Inside we waited in a sitting area. "What the fuck happened back there?" I said. "It's some money shit going on with these Blood niggas G done linked up with. They sent a threat prior to the fight even told him cancel the shit! But you know G he wasn't hearing that shit." Block said.

Seemed like forever before the doctors came and let us know anything. He said the female victim didn't make it but G fell into a coma during operation and if and when he came out he'd most likely be paralyzed. "FUCK!!!" I screamed. Tears falling down my face, Chy is falling apart and Block was looking like he wanted to kill someone. I knew it was time to stop my dealings with them but this definitely gave me the confirmation I needed.

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