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"James Moriarty, you bastard!" the (H/C) woman shouts at Moriarty. He rolls his eyes up at the ceiling in boredom. "I can't believe you'd actually admit to me, your wife, that you're having an affair with a woman from work, nonetheless it's that pathologist-"

"Calm down, darling," Jim interrupts, "it was one time. I swear it won't happen again."

"Did 'till death do us part' not mean anything to you?" (Y/N) asked, her voice soft and full of sadness. "You promised you'd love me till the day we died."

Jim's eyes widened when she went to go reach for her coat. He quickly deduced that she would be leaving to go drink away her sorrows he caused her. "(Y/N), wait," he said, pulling her into his side. He held her tightly against him, afraid that if he let go, she'd leave him forever. "I promised you that I would love you forever, and I will keep that promise. Molly Hooper doesn't mean anything to me. I love you," the words slipped out of his mouth easily, like he had rehearsed them a billion times as if this was a scene in a play.

(Y/N) squirmed against his chest, but eventually stopped struggling. She looked up at her husband, trying to detect any hint of a lie in his words. She couldn't find any. (Y/N) sighed, and Moriarty slowly released his hold on his wife, holding her at arm's length.

"You are (Y/N) Moriarty, my wife." he smiled down at her and wiped a stray tear off her cheek. "Is there any room in your heart left to forgive me? To stay with me?"

(Y/N) was silent for a moment. She gazed into Jim's eyes, the same ones she fell in love with almost two years ago in New York. She silently nodded and Jim smiled.

"I'll stay, Jim," she replied, and Moriarty casually lets out the breath he had been holding. "I haven't completely forgiven you yet." he sucked in a harsh breath. "I'm going out to think and maybe drink a little."

(Y/N) shrugged on her coat and picked up her purse, heading to the front door. Jim opened the door for her and kissed her forehead before she left. "Be safe," he whispered, watching as the (H/C) woman backed out of the driveway and drove off down the road.

(Y/N) Moriarty released the breath she had been holding in when she was a good distance away from the house. She tried not to think about Jim and how open he was about his affair; it hurt her mentally and emotionally. It made her think that she wasn't good enough for him anymore; if she was too ordinary for Jim Moriarty, a consulting criminal.

Sure, she didn't have the same intellectual standard as her husband, but even he had those moments when he was the densest person in the world, and (Y/N) had helped him solve his problem.

Pulling into the parking lot for one of the local pubs, she shut off the engine and locked her car, entering the pub. She sat at the counter and raised her hand for the bartender. "What'll it be, miss?" he asked, his voice gruff and scratchy from all the times he's had to yell to end a bar fight.

"A glass of red wine, please." (Y/N) replied, holding her face in her hands. She bit her lip to hold back her tears as the bartender returned with a glass of wine.

Surrender my everything 'cause you made me believe you're mine.


A.N: Hey guys! It's been a while since I've posted anything, and this is something I've been thinking about probably since the middle of July? In the description, I mentioned that this is what I call an 'albumfic'. I named it this because each chapter is named after each song in Five Seconds of Summer's new album, 'Youngblood'. There were songs that reminded me of Sherlock and this idea was born. Each song is linked at the top of the chapter.

So, for those of you who love Sherlock and 5SOS, you're in luck.

I hope you enjoyed this first chapter, and expect more to come soon. Sherlock will be introduced in the chapters to come, I promise.

For now, vote, comment, and share with your friends who also love Sherlock and/or Five Seconds of Summer!



-Edit 1/03/19-

I have a new Sherlock story published called 'Keys and Strings'. One chapter is published and more will be soon. For the new story I chose to use dodie's songs, so if you enjoy her music, feel free to check that one out too.

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