Talk Fast

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While (Y/N) was in the shower, Sherlock quietly descended the stairs, hoping to talk to Mrs. Hudson. He saw her smiling sadly at (Y/N)'s wedding photo that hung on the wall. He had never noticed the photo until today when he caught (Y/N) admiring it earlier.

"It's heartbreaking," Mrs. Hudson sighed. "Poor girl. Jim was her first love."

Sherlock looked at her quizzically. "First love?"

Mrs. Hudson smiled at him. "He was her first everything: first kiss, first boyfriend, first husband." she laughed softly. "You wouldn't understand, dear."

"I know that usually first loves aren't 'meant to be'," he commented, observing the photo.

"She was so sure he was the one for her," Mrs. Hudson continued. "Take good care of her, Sherlock. Help her to love again."

"Mrs. Hudson I don't know how-" he protested, but was interrupted.

"For God's sake, Sherlock, figure out how." she smiled again, descending the stairs and entering her flat. The door shut softly and Sherlock was left standing on the staircase. He turned back to the wedding photo and studied it. (Y/N) was smiling; her smile seemed genuine and surprisingly, so did Moriarty's. He had thought the consulting criminal was unable to love, but he was wrong.

He always got something wrong.

Ascending the stairs back to the flat, he noticed that (Y/N) was out of the shower, observing her surroundings. He cleared his throat, gaining her attention, "Would you like a cup of tea?"

She smiled at him. "I would love one." he nodded and disappeared into the kitchen.

When he had gone into the kitchen, (Y/N) gently pulled on the locket around her neck. Unclasping the chain, she gingerly took it off around her neck and clicked it open, studying the picture of Jim. A tear ran down her cheek: he was wearing a grey t-shirt and leaning against an unpainted door frame in their house. He was smiling at the camera; he looked human.

More tears ran down her cheeks, but she quickly wiped them away when Sherlock returned. She closed the locket and set it on the end table. Sherlock slowly sat down in his chair and pointed at the locket when he was settled.

"You were wearing your locket earlier. Why take it off now?"

(Y/N) paused for a moment, swallowing the lump in her throat. "It's just a reminder," she whispered, another tear running down her cheek. Sherlock wiped it away with his thumb.

"He was your first, now you're scared to trust again." he softly spoke his deduction, wanting to be gentle with her emotions. "You're scared to leave him, too."

The (H/C) woman nodded. "The first time I found out, I threatened to divorce him, but he threatened me. Said he'd be devastated and make me pay for leaving him. I couldn't work up the courage to try again, afraid he'd kill me or my family."

Sherlock slowly nodded at this new information. He didn't speak, (Y/N) filled the uncomfortable silence with her ramblings, "He cheats all the time. I'm so tired of it, Sherlock. I just want to leave him for good." more tears ran down her cheeks. "He was my first everything and now I'm scared to find someone else because what if he's the only one?"

Softly tugging on her wrist, he pulled her into an embrace. "Stop thinking of the 'what ifs'," he whispered.

(Y/N) clung to his shirt, softly sobbing into the material. He rocked her and stroked her back, trying his best to comfort her. He had only done this once before: John's girlfriend had broken up with him and he was really upset because he was sure she was the one. Slowly, she pulled away.

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