Empty Wallets

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The London air was crisp and cool as (Y/N) and Sherlock strolled along the sidewalk, taking in the city lights.

She stole a glance up at him and smiled, "So, where did you have in mind?"

The detective was silent for a moment, then spoke. "I know of this place in downtown; it has a big enough space for dancing and there's a bar for drinking."

"An unusual suggestion for you," the (H/C) replied. "You like avoiding the crowds."

"Well, maybe I want to try something new." Sherlock softly smiled down at her. Her cheeks had turned pink due to the cold air. "Besides, I like dancing."

(Y/N) laughed. "I never would have guessed! The Sherlock Holmes enjoys dancing!"

Her laughter brought a smile to his face. "The whole world doesn't need to know!"

The two strolled in silence until (Y/N) asked, "What's the place called?"

"It's called 'The Dying Whale'," (Y/N) scrunched up her nose in distaste at the name and Sherlock chuckled. "Not the most appealing name, but Speedy's son owns the lounge. I proved him innocent in a case."

"Let me guess, he gives you free admission or something because you proved his innocence."

"I'll make a detective out of you yet." Sherlock smiled.

(Y/N)'s face flushed red, turning her face pinker than it was. She just held Sherlock's hand tighter as they continued their walk. "Is it on the bank of the Thames?"

"Yes. The view of the Thames is absolutely breathtaking. The perfect setting for a reunion celebration."

"You talk like you adore the place."

Sherlock paused before answering. "I don't 'adore' many places, but this is an exception. The Dying Whale has a special place in my heart."

"Why?" She looked up at him through her eyelashes. Her eyes confirmed his thoughts; she was genuinely curious about why he cared about this place so much.

He bit his lip. "Jack keeps ballroom and dancing alive. You can't go anywhere else to listen to good jazz or the classics anymore."

(Y/N) hummed in thought. "No one really appreciates the olden days anymore. The age of empty wallets and partying."

Sherlock chuckled. In the distance was a dim neon light, indicating the building. "We're here," he whispered, pulling her along to the lounge. When they reached the door, the bouncer stuck his hand out and said, "Name?"

"Simon, you know who I am," Sherlock answered.

"I'll have to confirm with the boss."

"I'm sure Jack will be delighted to see me."

The bouncer disappeared inside the lounge. The wind was chiller on the bank of the Thames, and (Y/N) snuggled deeper into Sherlock's side. "Simon needs to hurry up," she mumbled. "I'm cold."

Sherlock chuckled to himself and acknowledged the figures emerging through the door. "Sherlock! How good it is to see you!"

Jack's brown hair had been slicked back and his blue suit looked black in the dim light. Sherlock shook his hand. "And to you, Jack. How have you been holding up? Blackmailers haven't been back yet?"

"Not yet, and I doubt they will be. You did a wonderful job defending me in that case, mate." Jack's blue, steely gaze landed on (Y/N)'s figure. "And who have you brought with you?"

"(Y/N) (L/N), a pleasure to meet you." she held out her hand for him to shake, but instead he held her hand and pressed a kiss to her knuckles.

"Sherlock is a very lucky man to have you by his side," Jack winked.

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