Want You Back

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Moriarty wasn't fazed at all when his wife left.

He was more than pleased.

Jim chuckled to himself as he reached for his mobile in his back pocket, typing out a text to Molly. With (Y/N) out of the house, he could focus on getting closer to his enemy: Sherlock Holmes.

He knew that Sherlock sometimes used the morgue to solve his cases. Molly's told him so much about all the cases he's had to use lab equipment to solve them. Little did she know that he was planning on using her to take out the consulting criminal.

His mobile chimed and when he checked the notification, he smirked. Molly had agreed to come over and would be over right away. He calculating (Y/N) wouldn't be home for another hour or so.

Climbing the stairs, Moriarty took a quick shower and changed into a button up polo. He slicked his hair back and lightly shaved. When finished, he returned downstairs and set out two wine glasses, along with a chilled bottle of red wine.

A knock lightly sounds from the front door, and Jim rushes to answer it. He opens the door to reveal Molly Hooper, dressed in a short, black dress and wearing light makeup. Jim's face flushes lightly and instinctively he bites his lip.

"Hello," Molly greets softly, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Hi," Moriarty breaths out, opening the door wider and gestured for her to come inside. "Please, come in."

Molly shrugs off her coat and Jim hangs it on the coat rack in the entryway. "I have wine in the lounge if you're interested." he offered, leading the way to the lounge.

"Sounds lovely," Molly replied.

The two were enveloped in silence as Moriarty poured two glasses of wine. The fire was slowly dying the fireplace, making the scene all the more romantic. Jim handed Molly a glass which she gratefully accepted, and took a tiny sip.

" 2000 Saint-Emilion?" she asked, taking another thoughtful sip.

Jim smiled at her guess. "You never cease to amaze me with your intelligence." he complimented.

Molly instantly frowned. "I'm not that smart compared to you or Sherlock," she sighed, setting the glass on the coffee table.

"I don't care if you aren't as smart as me or him," Moriarty countered, scooting closer to her. "I think you're the most intelligent woman I've ever met."

Molly unconsciously leaned in closer to him. "I don't deserve you," she whispered.

"I don't deserve you," he repeated before their lips met.


(Y/N) slowly finished her final glass of water before paying her tab. She thanked the bartender and tipped him a handsome amount before walking out to her car and driving home. The night was quiet and serene, allowing (Y/N) to be lost in her thoughts. She had thought over the fight she had with Jim earlier that evening and immediately regretted going out to drink.

She needed him more than alcohol.

(Y/N) felt dread in her stomach as she pulled into the driveway. She parked her car, observing the car parked in front of her house. Immediately she thought that Jim had invited someone over to comfort him while she was gone, but even that idea felt wrong.

Unlocking the front door, she was met with a gut-wrenching sight in the lounge.

Her husband was cheating on her in their own home.

Her heart felt heavy when she saw them. He had lied to her again just to get her to stay with him, but this time, she wouldn't be staying. (Y/N) stormed into the lounge and stood in front of the sofa. Her hard glare was focused mainly on her husband.

"Jim Moriarty, before I left this house to drink my sorrows away, you told me you loved me. That you wanted me to stay with you!" she whispered, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

Jim stood up from the sofa. "(Y/N), darling, it's not what you think-"

"It's always another excuse with you!" the (H/C) woman shouted, exiting the lounge and heading for her car keys again. "This is the last straw, Jim. I'm leaving you."

He grabbed her arm. "(Y/N), wait-"

"Don't touch me!" she seethed, hate burning in her (E/C) eyes. Her gaze focused on Molly. "Molly, if you value your life, get out of this house."

Molly scrambled from the sofa and retrieved her things, quickly leaving the house. Jim and (Y/N) were locked in a staring contest until a single tear dripped down the (H/C) woman's face.

"Just leave me alone," she whispered, grabbing her keys and driving off down the road again, leaving Moriarty standing in the front doorway of his house. He felt empty like his other half was missing.

Standing in the cool of the night, Jim Moriarty made a vow to himself. He vowed that he would get you back, one way or another.

I know you know I will never get over you.


A.N: I'm really excited to keep writing this guys! I really love this part for some weird reason and plus, "Want You Back" is honestly such a bop. What am I saying, the whole album is a bop, lol.

I hope you liked this second installment of this albumfic! I'm having a lot of fun jamming out and writing it. Don't worry, (Y/N) meets Sherlock in the next chapter.

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