Moving Along

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(Y/N) turned onto her other side and sighed. Opening her eyes, she read that the time was 5:20 in the morning. She slowly sat up, more exhausted than she had been the night before. She hadn't slept a wink. Every time she closed her eyes she saw her husband, and her thoughts taunted her by whispering into her ears that he was over her.

Silently opening Sherlock's door, (Y/N) slipped down the hallway and into the kitchen to brew a cup of coffee. However, when she reached the living room, Sherlock was sitting in his chair, his hands pressed up under his chin. He was staring straight ahead of him and didn't even turn his face to greet her. "Good morning, (Y/N)."

She jumped and chuckled softly, turning to return the greeting. "Good morning, Sherlock."

"You're up early."

"I could say the same thing to you."

"I don't sleep when I'm on cases," he explained. "It's why I offered you my room."

"It was very kind of you, nonetheless." (Y/N) blushed.

Sherlock was silent for a moment until he spoke again. "I'm not kind."

His statement caused the (H/C) woman to laugh. "I beg to differ." she headed into the kitchen, looking around the space to see if there were any indications of already brewed coffee. She sighed when there wasn't any. Poking her head out of the kitchen, she called out to Sherlock. "You were up all night and couldn't bother to make John and I coffee this morning?"

"Just tea for me, thanks," he responded.

"Sherlock," she said, gaining his attention. He looked at her with expectancy in his eyes. "I'm not your housemaid."

"You're starting to sound like Mrs. Hudson."

(Y/N) laughed again. "What tea would you like this morning, Sher?"

He paused for a moment before responding with, "Regular black tea with milk. That's all we usually drink around here."

(Y/N) facepalmed and chuckled. "Right. I forgot I'm not in America anymore."

She disappeared into the kitchen made their beverages, setting them on the coffee table. She settled onto the couch and the two were silent, enjoying the company. Time passed quickly and soon John's footsteps could be heard on the stairs descending from his bedroom. He strode into the lounge and yawned. "Good morning, you two."

"Good morning, John," (Y/N) replied, standing up from the couch. "Coffee? Tea?"

"A cuppa would be wonderful, thank you."

She nodded and disappeared into the kitchen, and Sherlock watched as John sat down in his chair. "John," he whispered. His flatmate looked over at him. "I need your help."

John looked at him quizzically. "I don't understand. Is it a case?"

"You could say that," the detective answered. "I want to help (Y/N) out of her marriage. She's obviously unhappy, and there's obviously an attraction between her and me."

John chuckled and Sherlock furrowed his brows. "What's so funny?"

"Never thought I'd see the day where Sherlock Holmes fell in love."

"I'm not in love!" he quickly defended himself. "Sentiment is a chemical defect found on the losing side. You know that."

"Alright then," John sighed, a smirk on his face. "What are you suggesting?"

"Divorce," Sherlock replied. "The only way she can leave him is through a divorce. Then she can stay with us-"

John coughed in the middle of Sherlock's explanation and the detective quickly closed his mouth. (Y/N) had reentered the lounge and handed John his mug. "Did I miss something?" she asked.

John looked over at Sherlock expectantly, and (Y/N) followed his gaze. "Sherlock?"

"You were up early because you couldn't sleep, why?" he began deducing, his eyes flickering back and forth. "You kept tossing and turning because every time you tried to sleep, your husband haunted your mind. Little whispers in your ears telling you that he never loved you."

"Stop it," she whispered out harshly. "I don't want to talk about it."

"You're hesitant to return to him."

"Sherlock," John warned, but the detective kept talking.

"You're scared, but what you don't know is that I want to help you." Sherlock finished. He let out the breath he was holding when (Y/N) looked at him with sadness in her (E/C) eyes. "Let me help you divorce Jim."

"I've tried before, Sher," (Y/N) whispered, a single tear running down her cheek. "I can't do it."

"Because he stops you," he urged, standing and taking her wrists in his grip. "You know you can do it, you just need someone by your side. John and I are here for you, and once you divorce him, you can stay here with us in 221B."

She looked at him with glassy eyes. "You'd be willing to help me?"

"Of course," he whispered, smiling softly at her. He leaned down and pecked the corner of her mouth. "Aren't you tired of being on the losing side?"

She chuckled, wiping the tears from her eyes. She nodded. "I am."

Sherlock smiled and placed his hands on her cheeks. "Get dressed, and we'll head over to Jim's. You can tell him everything."

Scared of moving on, but you're already gone


A.N: Two updates in a row? Wow I'm killing it guys lol. Anywayyyyy this is probably one of my favorite chapters and idk why. Moving Along is a good song and I encourage you all to listen to it. Just go listen to the whole album lmao.

In this chapter, the reader discovers that Sherlock wants to help her, and they plan on confronting Jim! It's the beginning and the end of an era. Plus, this is pretty much the halfway point in this story since it's song number six! Woohoo!

Don't be afraid to comment, vote, and share! If you enjoy this story, check out my other works: 'Sleepwalking' (Dreamtalia AU reader insert) and 'Pretend Games' (my own original story plot).

Until next time,


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