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People chatted in the audience as they waited for the show to begin. (Y/N) scanned the area, hoping to possibly spot Adam Greenwoode before the show. She shook her head.

"Any hopes of speaking to Greenwoode before the show is out the window. None of the actors are out yet."

"The set looks amazing," John commented, facing the stage.

"I can't believe I'm seeing Newsies," Ben breathed.

(Y/N) giggled and wrapped an arm around Sherlock. "Thank you for this," she whispered.

Sherlock winked. "We're here strictly on business." She giggled again.

"Sure." (Y/N) turned to Sherlock to fully look at him. "I'm going to the lobby to find something to drink."

He nodded and she went out to the lobby. There was a small table with concessions off to the right of the door. She chatted with other guests about the show while she waited, and just before she got to the table there was a tap on her shoulder.

"(Y/N)?" said the voice. "I haven't seen you in ages."

Her gaze flicked to an auburn, curly-haired man. He seemed to be in his mid-twenties, had just shaved due to the strong smell of cologne, and was about five-foot-nine. She cocked an eyebrow. "Do I know you?"

"Vincent Kingsley?" he ran a hand through his curly hair. "We dated about six years ago when you first moved to New York?"

Her eyes widened in realization. "Oh my gosh, Vince! It really has been a while."

Vincent chuckled. "I see you still have a love for Broadway."

"I'm here on some business, actually," (Y/N) chuckled.

"What kind of business?"

"A murder investigation," she said, paying for a bottle of water. "Reagan Greenwoode? She's been in the news recently."

Vincent's face was somber. "I heard about that. It's awful."

"It really is." (Y/N) brushed a piece of hair behind her ear. "It was nice to see you again, Vince. I'm going to head back to my seat."

"Can we meet up after the show?" he asked. "Grab a drink or something and catch up?"

"I'm sorry," she frowned slightly. "I have places to be afterward."

"Oh, okay," Vincent replied. The final glint in his eyes set (Y/N) on edge. She hurried back to her seat just as the theatre lights were dimming. The overture began and the audience began clapping.


"That was just as amazing as I thought it would be," Ben said when everyone sat down after the standing ovation. "Ben Fankhauser has a true gift."

"I agree," (Y/N) sighed. "Now, let's find Greenwoode, question him and get a lead on Reagan's murder."

The group nodded and Sherlock led the way to backstage. The security guard let them pass once 'Mycroft' showed him his ID. Backstage, actors were hurrying back and forth, taking off their costumes and wiping off the stage makeup. Sherlock tapped the shoulder of an actor going by us back to his dressing room.

"Excuse me, could you point us in the direction of Adam Greenwoode's dressing room?"

He smiled. "Of course. His room is right next to Ben and my own. I'm Andrew Keenan-Bolger, by the way. I play Crutchie."

(Y/N) and Ben stuck out their hands and Andrew shook them. "It's so wonderful to meet you, I wish the circumstances were different, though." (Y/N) sighed.

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