Meet You There

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The wind nipped at (Y/N)'s skin as she waited for Sherlock and John in the Floyd Bennett Field terminal. Sherlock had texted her that they would be landing soon. Another gust of wind blew chilly air into the terminal and she wrapped her jacket around her tighter.

She sighed when she spotted two familiar figures in the distance, making their way toward her. "It's about time you two showed up; I'm nearly freezing to death."

"You're being dramatic," Sherlock commented, smiling at her.

"Says the drama queen," (Y/N) fired back. "I've missed you."

"The feeling is mutual."

John coughed awkwardly, letting the two know he was still there. "Let's head to the hotel, shall we?"

(Y/N) led the way to her rental car. Firing up the engine, she drove all the way back to the hotel. When they were alone in their joining rooms, (Y/N) unlocked the in-room safe and brought out the case file. She handed it to Sherlock.

"What do you think?" she asked.

The detective scanned the file, his eyes visibly flicking back and forth as he deduced. "She's unmarried. It's easy to miss on the body, but in the picture, there's no ring, and the report also marked that there was no ring."

"She could have been having an affair," John suggested. (Y/N) and Sherlock gave him a look. "Nevermind me, then."

"Not this close to Valentine's day," (Y/N) commented.

"All we know is she's unmarried," Sherlock folded his hands under his chin in thought. "Interesting. Why was she in Central Park early morning? Or was she even killed in Central Park?"

"She was found at ten in the morning," John said. "It's unlikely she was killed in broad daylight. Plus, the report said she'd been dead for almost twenty hours."

"Where was the last place Reagan was seen?" (Y/N) asked. "It's possible she was on a date with our killer last night."

"Did you receive any information about where she was last night?" Sherlock questioned. (Y/N) thought for a moment.

"I don't believe so, but maybe Agent Daniels can help us fill in the pieces."

Together they packed up the case and locked it back in the safe. (Y/N) had John dial a number under the name 'Agent Daniels' and put it on speaker so she could talk while driving. A groggy voice answered the phone.

"What do you want?" came the voice of Daniels. "You've only had the case for a little over twenty-four hours."

"I know," (Y/N) laughed, which caused Sherlock to frown. "Sherlock, John, and I were discussing the case-"

"The Sherlock Holmes is in America? In New York?"

"Don't interrupt!" she chuckled. "Anyway, the report says Greenwoode had been dead for twenty hours. It's possible her killer was her date the night before."

"We didn't even think of that," Daniels replied.

"Have you questioned the suspects yet?" was (Y/N)'s next question. "Her roommate, the parents, the ex-boyfriend?"

"Greenwoode's roommate said she didn't know Reagan had a date that night. She had a shift that night and left before the victim started getting ready. The parents live in Milwaukee, and nothing from the ex yet." Daniels replied.

"Damn," (Y/N) muttered. "No luck so far then."

"Not quite," the agent continued. "Adam Greenwoode met his sister before her date. He might know something, but we haven't contacted him yet."

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