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To say Sherlock was stunned was an understatement. Earlier today, Molly had told him they were dating and deduced that he was gay; now his wife stood before him. (Y/N) watched him carefully, watching for any sign of change in his emotion. She had been able to pick up the slight changes quickly after living with Jim.

"Mrs. Hudson, a word?" Sherlock requested, his eyebrows furrowing at the woman. The two walked into the elder woman's kitchen before Sherlock turned to her exasperated. "Why is Moriarty's wife here? There has to be a reason!"

"You deduced it yourself, Sherlock." Mrs. Hudson replied. "She had a domestic with her husband."

"But why here?" he reiterated. "Why 221b Baker Street?"

"She used to live in your flat before she married Jim," she said, smiling softly.

Sherlock's eyes were wide. "She lived in that flat?"

Mrs. Hudson smiled at him and nodded. "Please let her stay with you for the night, Sherlock. The poor girls' upset and heartbroken."

After a moment of silence, Sherlock sighed and rolled his eyes. "Alright."

Mrs. Hudson clapped and headed back out to the front room, telling (Y/N) the good news. "You'll be staying with Sherlock and John tonight, dear."

(Y/N) looked over at Sherlock. "Thank you so much, Mr. Holmes."

He only nodded in acknowledgment before climbing the stairs. (Y/N) hugged Mrs. Hudson and followed Sherlock up the stairs, smiling at all the memories she had made here. She paused and looked at a framed picture on the wall. The picture was of her and Jim on their wedding day. (Y/N) smiled sadly as she remembered that day; Jim was happiest he had ever been in his life. It was the only day Jim truly smiled.

"Don't lag behind." Sherlock's voice interrupted (Y/N)'s train of thought and she quickly finished climbing the rest of the stairs. As she stepped into the flat, her nose automatically crinkled. "It's messier than I remember."

Sherlock didn't respond and went straight to his chair, closing his eyes. His hands went under his chin in thought. (Y/N) observed the flat; it was certainly messier than how she had left it. Bullet holes in the walls, a yellow spray-paint smiley face, papers and books stacked everywhere. However as she continued to observe her old flat, she felt a sense of comfort and belonging. She'd never felt anything like this at Jim's house; it was nice.

"Are you just going to stand there, looking at everything like an idiot?" Sherlock suddenly spoke. (Y/N) focused her gaze on his figure in the chair.

"I was just reminiscing."

"Sit." he pointed to the chair across from his.

Slowly, (Y/N) walked over to the chair and settled into it, reclining back into the material. Sherlock's eyes popped open and he stared at the (H/C) woman. "You're more than just heartbroken. You secretly want revenge."

"Excuse me?"

"You want revenge on your husband, correct?" Sherlock's eyebrow quirked up as he smirked. "He cheated on you, and you want him to feel horrible."

(Y/N) blushed lightly. "Is it wrong to wish ill will upon those who've wronged you?"

"No, not exactly." he dismissed the subject. "You must know of me, I'm sure."

"Of course I do." (Y/N) smiled softly. "Jim talks about you all the time, and your older brother used to mention you when I was working for him."

Sherlock leaned forward and studied her figure. "Fascinating."

"What is?"

"You," he commented. "You grew up to have a close bond with your (brother/sister) but when you left the house to attend college, you grew apart. You haven't talked to (him/her) for a few months. You try to keep in touch, but you always forget. You're quite forgetful. You met Moriarty about three years ago and married him almost two years ago. Judging by the necklace around your neck, he bought that for you in New York to try to impress you. It worked."

(Y/N) smirked at him. "You're quite good at that, Mr. Holmes.

"Sherlock, please," he smirked back. "Was I right?"


"What'd I miss?"

"I'm still close with my (brother/sister). I haven't talked to (him/her) since (he/she) has a newborn to look after." I replied. Sherlock nods in understanding.

"Why would Moriarty cheat on you?" he asked, more to himself but (Y/N) answered him. "I wish I knew, Sherlock."

"You're one of the most beautiful women I've seen," he said. (Y/N)'s cheeks blushed. "It makes no sense."

"Perhaps he was bored."

"No, why would he get bored of you? You're spontaneous, that's why he first fell in love with you." he deduced.

"Have you ever been in love, Sherlock?" (Y/N) asked, curiously examining his beautiful blue eyes.

"Sentiment is a chemical defect found on the losing side." he fired back.

"I guess that means Moriarty's losing the game," she responded, standing from her chair and inching closer to Sherlock's. "Or is he? Maybe I'm a strength. You never know with Jim Moriarty."

By now, the two were face to face, noses almost touching. "I don't want to be on the losing side anymore," she whispered, before connecting their lips.

It was a euphoric feeling for Sherlock. (Y/N) was fascinating; she practically came to him with information about his rival but none of that mattered now. He loved the feeling of her lips on his. She was trusting him with her heart after Jim had broken it. He smirked against her lips.

She slowly pulled away and looked down at her feet. They were quiet until she asked, "Is it alright if I go shower?"

"Of course." He led her towards the bathroom, and before she shut the door, Sherlock stole one more kiss.

You love our permanent chase the bite of our bark  


A.N: I really enjoyed writing this chapter (I feel like I say that every chapter lol) but I really did! 'Valentine' is like my favorite song on the album besides 'Moving Along' which will be chapter six. The lyric is symbolic of (Y/N)'s and Sherlock's new spark ;) I love seeing fanfictions where Sherlock experiences love for the first time and he just gets a metaphorically high from his lover. I recommend "Lost Girl" by  Existentialism6 to see this kind of love I'm talking about. It's so good.

This chapter is a bit shorter, but then again it's more of a filler. As we progress the chapters will hopefully get longer. There are some big things in store. 

As always, remember to comment, share, and vote! 

Until next time,


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