Better Man

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(Y/N) swallowed the lump in her throat as she raised her glass of wine to her lips to take another sip. The silence between the two was so thick you could cut it with a knife. The woman's (E/C) eyes focused on the disheveled figure of her husband. "How have you been since I've been away?"

He gave her a soft smile and looked at her through his eyelashes. "To be honest, I've been terrible." he let out a shaky, breathy laugh. "You have no idea how glad I am that you decided to stay."

"I wouldn't have left in the first place if you kept to your word." (Y/N) fired back quickly, and silence settled over the two once again.

"(Y/N), darling, I want to make it up to you," Jim pleaded, getting down onto his knees to beg. "I'll do anything, anything to see you smile again."


"Anything," he smiled softly again. "Movie marathon, accompanied with blankets and cuddling?"

A soft smile graced (Y/N)'s lips. "Do I get to pick the movie?"

"Of course!" Jim replied quickly, moving to stand on his feet. He held out a hand for her to use to stand. "I'll get the blankets from the linen closet upstairs."

"I'll meet you in the living room with my chosen movie." they smiled at each other. Before parting ways to complete their tasks, Jim leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on (Y/N)'s cheek. His steps faded away as he climbed the stairs. With a raised hand, she touched her cheek softly before heading to the living room.

All her movies were still on her side of the bookshelf, all organized by their genre. At the top of the shelf were her Disney movies: Aladdin, Snow White, Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, etc. She crouched down to view the lower shelves, which were filled with her favorite movies over the years: Chicago, Smokey and The Bandit and Calamity Jane to name a few. Below those were disc copies of her favorite shows that Jim would surprise her with at Christmas. The only collection she had completed was Downton Abbey, but slowly her other collections were close to finishing.

She thoughts were interrupted when Jim walked into the living room. "Have you picked one out yet?"

"Not yet," smirking, she picked "Chicago" off the shelf. "But I think I'm confident in my choice."

She handed him the DVD and he smirked. "Chicago?"

"I need a little Velma and Roxie in my life." she smiled.

Jim nodded and sat in front of the DVD player, inserting the disc into the tray and pushing it back in the machine. He stood and joined her on the couch, throwing the blanket over the two of them and grabbing the remote. Pressing play, Jim wrapped his arms around (Y/N)'s waist as the overture began to play through the speakers.

"Are you okay with this?" Jim asked, looking down at her.

"Thanks for asking, and I'm okay with it." she smiled reassuringly. "Now, shut up and let me watch this for the trillionth time."


Hours later, the television playing a random late night comedy bit, Jim was slowly drawing patterns on (Y/N)'s palms. The woman sighed in content; she'd missed this. Over the course she'd known Sherlock, she had discovered that he wasn't an openly emotional person like Jim was. She knew that if she and Sherlock were to have a future, she'd have to give up moments like this.

Jim shifted behind her and wrapped his arm around her. "(Y/N), you make me a better man."

"What do you mean?" she whispered out as a reply.

"I'm not the same person I was before I met you," he whispered back. He kissed her neck. "I don't drink as much, and without you around, I've been devastated. I almost killed someone over the time you were gone, but I knew I couldn't go off because you'd be disappointed in me."

"You don't really mean that, Jim," she answered.

"I do, darling," he pulled her to turn over and look at him. "You complete me. If I lose you, I lose myself."

"Jim," she whispered, her eyes becoming half-lidded.

"(Y/N)," he replied, leaning down and kissing her softly and slowly. "Stay the night with me, please."

She nodded quickly. There was no reason to justify her actions except for the fact that when she returned to Sherlock the next morning, she would never have any of these experiences again. Jim pulled away from the kiss and looked down at her. "Shall we continue in the bedroom?"

Slowly, she nodded yes.

You're the only love, that can make this bad man better


A.N: Long time no see, everyone! To celebrate 'Youngblood' reaching 100 reads, I decided to be productive and update!

Fun fact: One of my favorite movies is Miramax's 2002 Chicago! 

So, Moriarty has revealed that you, my readers, keep him sane! Oh, how will he react to you leaving him for good in the morning???

Find out in the next chapter, and once again, sorry for the short chapter since it's mainly a filler.

Until next time,


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