Why Won't You Love Me

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The house was silent once the front door was shut. She left him. He was all alone.

Jim couldn't believe she actually walked out on him; his eyebrows furrowed and he turned to walk through the parlor. When he reached the kitchen, the first thing he noticed was her plate, perfectly untouched. He frowned and angrily stomped towards the table, sweeping his arms over the table to smash the glass.

All that was heard in the silence was his heavy breathing. When he calmed down, he glanced to look at all the broken glass on the floor. A gasp was caught in his throat and he was filled with regret; he forgot that he used their wedding china this morning for breakfast.

Slowly, he lowered to his knees and cradled shards of glass as tears dripped down his cheeks. She was really, truly gone. He had broken his vow, and there was nothing he could do to fix it.

He cleaned up the glass, throwing the shards in the trash can. Sinking into the couch, Jim wrapped himself into a blanket and sank in a corner. The television was on; the last channel that had been playing was Hallmark. Moriarty could feel his eyes begin to water again.

(Y/N) always watched Hallmark during the holidays; she begged Jim to get the channel after they had flown back from the states after their honeymoon.

Angrily shutting off the television, Moriarty stalked back into the parlor to the entryway, heading upstairs to shower and change, preparing to spend the rest of the day moping around the house. Ascending the staircase, Jim quickly stops, staring at the photo in front of him. (Y/N)'s landlady had taken the photo of the two of them in front of the house, smiling as they stood behind a 'sold' sign sticking in the lawn.

He quickly wiped away the tear that was slowly trailing down his cheek. He scowled in annoyance; with (Y/N) gone, his emotions were all out of whack.

Steam filled the master bathroom as Jim stood under the stream of water, a million thoughts running through his head. He was formulating different plans on how to win you back, but slowly he realized that none of them would work.

The only chance he had was three years ago in New York.

He slammed his fist on the shower wall, cradling it when the impacted skin erupted in pain. Turning off the water and wrapping a towel around his waist, he stared at his reflection in the mirror. He knew he couldn't win (Y/N) back, so the next best thing?

He smirked. He wasn't a consulting criminal for nothing. He made his living off murder.

He'll just have to take away Sherlock's happiness, which just so happened to be (Y/N) Moriarty.

You imagine when you close your eyes you're with me on the other side


A.N: It's been awhile, everyone! I'm back from hiatus, but please do not expect full-fledged updates coming out every week or so. I am still going through a tough time with the recent natural disasters. I am safe, though.

This chapter is more of a filler,  as it's a glimpse into Moriarty's side of things. It's obvious he's angry and upset, and so he'll solve his problems with the murder of his wife.

I've decided I want to do a Q and A after this story is finished.  Write any questions you have in the comments on this chapter and the next three to come. I'm curious to see what you have on your mind.

Thanks for reading! Please, comment, share, and vote!

Until next time,


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