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(Y/N) groaned as she turned over in the king-sized bed, her eyelids slowly opening to be blinded by the sun streaming in through the window. Sitting up, she quickly used the end of the duvet to cover her body. She held her head in her empty hand. A wave a guilt and shame overcame the woman; she couldn't believe what she had done, what she had given into.

A faint scent of bacon drifted up the stairs, and on instinct (Y/N)'s stomach grumbled. Sitting up in the bed, she wrapped a loose sheet around her body and made her way over to the dresser, where she pulled out some clean clothes to change in to. Next, she moved to the bathroom, quickly turning on the hot water and getting into the shower. She washed everything, trying to get rid of last night's mistakes.

Finally descending the stairs, she was greeted with the sight of Jim putting the final preparations together for breakfast. He smiled at her when she stopped and stood in the doorway. "Good morning, darling," he said, setting a pitcher of apple juice on the table. "Breakfast is ready."

Slowly she sat down at the table, plating food on her plate. "How did you sleep?" he asked a moment later.

"I slept fairly well," she whispered back.

"Is everything alright?"

Her throat suddenly felt extremely tight, and she coughed to try and relieve the tension. "Jim, I need to talk to you." she finally spoke. "I think you should sit down for this."

Jim slowly took a seat across from his wife and held out his hand for her to hold. She didn't take it; instead, she drew in a big breath and said, "Jim, I want a divorce."

Moriarty's eyes were wide in shock. Divorce? After everything, they'd been through together? After the night they just shared? "You're joking," he whispered and let out a small chuckle in disbelief. "You are joking, right?"

When she didn't answer, he swallowed a huge lump in his throat. "You're serious."


"What changed?" his voice rose. He paused for a moment, then spoke softly. "What happened to us?"

"Nothing's changed," (Y/N) tried again, but Jim was quick to cut her off again.

"You can't say that after you've implied that something has!"

"James Moriarty," (Y/N)'s voice was stern. "When I say nothing's changed, I mean it. However, you have cheated on me countless times and each time I've let you back in, but this time, I'm done. I'm over it! I'm sick and tired of feeling like I'm on the losing side."

"Where did you learn that phrase?" his eyes were glaring at her. That last bit of her phrase sounded all too familiar.

"It doesn't matter where I learned it-"

"Yes it does," he replied. "You say you went to visit Mrs. Hudson, but you refrained from telling me you spent the night with Sherlock."

(Y/N)'s eyes were wide. "How did you know-"

"I see now," he growled. "He's changed you. Convinced you I'm a terrible person, that I'm a mass murderer, a psychopath. He convinced you to divorce me. That's it, isn't it?"

"Not at all!" she exclaimed, angry at his accusations. "I've wanted to divorce you since the first time I caught you cheating. Sherlock told me he would have my back in this, like a true friend."

(Y/N) stood up from the table, walking through the parlor to the front door, tugging on her coat and grabbing her things. "Where are you going?" Jim shouted, following her to the door.

"I'm going to Sherlock's. At least I'll be happy there." she sighed. "I'll call when the divorce papers are ready to be signed."

And with that, she slipped out the door, leaving Moriarty all alone.

'Cause I can't stay without hoping we'll never be alone, we'll never be alone, oh


A.N: I'm back with another update and I'm so sorry this chapter is really short. It's really a filler until we get to the last three/four chapters, and as I'm updating with this chapter, I've already started on chapter ten.

So, Jim isn't very happy you're divorcing him, but he deserves it, doesn't he? And you're off to spend your time with Sherlock for the time being.

I will remind you again, this story does not have a happy ending. I do have plans for another Sherlock songfic/albumfic, I'm still picking the songs and thinking out the plot. I plan on posting it after this one is finished, so keep your eyes open.

Please comment, share, and vote! I love reading and responding to comments, they always make my day.

Until next time,


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