When You Walk Away

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If you've ever had to patiently wait for someone or something, it's not easy.

(Y/N) drummed her fingers against the metal chair for what seemed to be the billionth time. The silence was starting to feel deadly, but every time she drummed the same pattern, she knew Sherlock was looking for her.

She only hoped that he'd find her before it was too late.


John knocked on (Y/N)'s hotel door for the third time. When she didn't answer, he shrugged his shoulders and went to sit on his bed. "That's the third time I've knocked, I think she went to bed, Sherlock."

The consulting detective was sitting criss-cross on his bed, hands folded underneath his chin. He hummed in thought. "No, she didn't go to sleep," he opened his eyes and stood up from the bed, pacing across the room. "She told us she was going to take a shower first before discussing the information. Water was never heard running in her room."

"How would you know?" John yawned, leaning back against his pillows. He cracked an eye to see Sherlock glaring at him. "Oh, sorry."

"The only possible solution is that someone must have kidnapped her."

John's eyes grew wide. "Sherlock! That's outrageous!"

"Think about it, John," the detective said, grabbing his shoulders. "The room has been quiet ever since we got back. Someone has kidnapped her."

"Alright," the blonde sighed. "Who would want to kidnap (Y/N) besides Moriarty?"

"I'm not sure, but maybe Ben does." Sherlock took out his phone and dialed a number. Putting the phone on speaker, the voice of a groggy Ben Daniels answered the phone. "Who is this?"

"Ben, it's Sherlock," the detective smirked. "I need a favor."

"Yeah what do you guys need?" the agent sounded wide awake now. "Adam gave us what he knew, what about the hostess at Joe's?"

"(Y/N) has been kidnapped, Ben," John interrupted. "Do you have any idea on who would have taken her?"

The phone was silent, but shortly afterward the sound of rustling sheets could be heard. "There's one person who is a possibility," Ben replied. There was a clink of metal. "Vincent Kingsley. He was (Y/N)'s boyfriend about six years ago. They broke up because she was spending a lot of time with me while we were working."

"That doesn't sound good," John muttered. "A vengeful ex-boyfriend? This is almost too cliche."

"I don't know why he would want to kidnap her though," Ben continued. "She was really nice, and when they broke up Vincent was so understanding-"

"Shut up!" Sherlock shouted. John hadn't noticed he was thinking. "(Y/N) said initials and a number was carved into the tree trunk where Reagan was found."

"Yeah, 'R. G. + V. K.', and the number eleven." Ben filled in.

"R. G. stands for Reagan Greenwoode, and V. K. stands for Vincent Kingsley. Tomorrow is Valentine's Day, which means it's been ten days since then." Sherlock said, rushing toward the door. "Vincent is holding (Y/N) captive somewhere in New York, but where?"

Immediately, Sherlock's phone dinged with a notification alert.

Tick tock Sherlock. Only two hours left until Valentine's Day. -VK

Sherlock quickly typed a reply back.

A game is no fun without any clues. -SH

Would king Nebuchadnezzar II give away his secrets? -VK

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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