Chapter 4

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I get yanked out of my seat by Alex, as I ask, "What on earth is going on?"

We're already running, Alex pulling me along as he replies, "No time to explain. We just need to go back home."

"Why?" I ask as I shake his hand off mine. I catch up to him and run just slightly behind.

"I'll explain later. We just need to leave." Alex throws open the door to the cafe, with a door slam that is Violet-worthy. We really must be in trouble.

He drags me along the road, the passing humans giving us disturbed glances. We don't speak, we just run.

"Where are we even going?" I question, panting.

"To the car." He responds, gasping for air in between every syllable.

He begins to run even faster, quicker than I've ever seen him run before. I fasten my pace to keep up with him.

The tall buildings seem even more imposing than they did earlier, and the shadowed alleyways radiate with danger. A strange smell is in the air, but in many ways, it isn't unfamiliar.

"Wolves." I speak my realisation aloud.

"What, Vi?", Alex yells back to me, his speech fast, his voice trembling with anxiety.

"I smell wolves", I realise that I should be more specific, "Wolves not from our pack." And something else, something inhuman, but I decide it isn't important.

"I know.", he speaks softly, "We just need to get home. Now, okay? Don't transform, that'll just make it worse."

"Okay.", I respond, and neither of us continue to talk. We reach the car park building and I head towards the elevator, but Alex grabs my hand "No. Take the stairs, they're safer."

He pulls me to an unnoticeable doorway, and he swings open the door, and after we are both through, he immediately shuts it. He begins to run up the stairs at an ungodly speed, and I follow right on his heels.

After climbing up unimaginable numbers of stairs, Alex finally opens one of the doors and begins to fast-walk to the car.  I go to shut the door as I come out of it but then he interrupts my actions, "Don't even bother."

"You're the one who always goes on about manners."

"Some things are more important than manners", I realise that he already has his car door open, "Well, hurry up, or do you want to die?"

I quickly catch up and get into the car. He begins driving before I even clip into my seatbelt, which is something Mr Safety-Comes-First would never do.

Clicking my seatbelt into the buckle as Alex drives out of the car park building, I finally say, "So, what on earth is going on?"

"It's not my place to explain."

"I don't care whether it is or isn't. It's my place to know what is going on in my life."

"Uhh...", he groans, "Fine, let's call your father. He can explain if he chooses to."

Alex hands me the phone, being the goody-two-shoes that he is, he doesn't break the no texting whilst driving rule. "The password is 1809", he says, and I swear I see a slight tinge of red come to his cheeks, although I do not know why.

"Okay", I type in the numbers, and the phone unlocks. I open up Alex's contacts and find the contact 'Alpha', I show it to him, just in case I am wrong, "That's him, right?"

Alex takes a moment to glance at his phone and nods "Yep."

I click on the 'call' symbol, and father picks up after only a second. "Alex, is this you?"

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