Chapter 15

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I open my eyes, and everything is blurry. I blink a few times, and finally, my eyes begin to focus. Glancing around the cold grey concrete room, it's absolutely barren, except for the metal framed bed that I'm lying upon, and a small grey chair. There are no windows and the appearance makes me think of a nuclear fallout bunker. The only exit is a door.

I don't quite remember what happened... We were just driving, and now I'm here? I sit up slowly, my body shivering and my head pounding. Did I get drunk? Was I drugged? Another question is how long I've been here. I can't see outside. It could have been days or even weeks for all I know.

Suddenly, I hear the door swing open. I look over to it and see a woman, blonde hair, green eyes. Is she Alex's friend?

"Hello, Violet," she says as she walks across the room and sits down in the chair. "How are you?"

"Could be better."

"Do you remember what happened?" As she says those words, the painful memories come flying back to me.

Alex... How could you?

I'm uncertain of my next action, but all I know is that I have to escape. And to do that, I have to have the upper hand.

I glance at the woman and answer, "Yes."

"Could you tel-" She stops short as I bite into my wrist.

When I first tried it, transforming felt so unpleasant. It didn't hurt, but as your particles rearrange, suddenly becoming denser, you feel heavier, yet stronger. Now, it doesn't bother me at all, if anything, I enjoy it.

I jump off the bed, and run past the woman, and realise the door is shut. Blast! 

Luckily, less than a second later, my very own best friend opens the door, "Sam, how is sh-"

I run towards Alex and manage to push past him. I hear Alex and the woman, say words that I don't care to listen to. I can sense that another has joined me in this form, but I have to take a second to look at my surroundings.

The only thing in this room is a table, some chairs, and a few cupboards. All of the doors are shut, and the one that seems to lead to the outside is made of steel. As I try to figure my way out, I feel teeth sink into my neck, and I realise that I've been caught.

After the few milliseconds in which I transform, I begin to bring my left wrist up to my mouth once more, only to find it caught by someone. "Violet. You need to listen"

"Such a pity we had to resort to this, Alex. I thought you said she wouldn't resist."

"I said I thought she wouldn't! Thought! And you know that people don't exactly make the right decision on Pentothal!"

"I guess so. Anyway, bring her into the room, we'll tie her up."

"Do I have any say in this?" I question, trying to bite at Alex's arm, as he drags me back into what seems to be the bedroom.

"Nope!" Alex replies and grabs a rope that the woman passes to him. I struggle against him as he takes his hands off me as to tie me to the bed, but I can't do anything about it.

Once he finishes tying me up, he stands a metre or two away, next to the woman who is already sitting in the chair.

"Wait, Alex?" I ask, suddenly realising something.


"Why aren't you at book club?" I question, and he facepalms. 

The girl shakes her head laughing, "And this is who you want to lead us?" She directs her question to Alex.

"She's not usually this stupid. Must be the drug." He replies.

"I'm right here!" I yell at the two of them, suddenly noticing the temperature, "Why is it so bloody cold?"

Alex and the woman glance at each other, then Alex throws me a blanket. "Now can you just listen?" He asks.

"I guess so."

The woman speaks, "Okay, so, basically we're a group who don't see that it's right that our leadership can be given through marriage. We believe that those who have the blood, are meant for the role. We've been going for generations, although we haven't taken action. Yet."

"Okay..." I reply, "Why did you have to kidnap me to do that?"

"Well, that's the easiest part to explain", she smiles, "We want you to be our Alpha." She then frowns, "The only problem will be dealing with your mate."

"Oh, that won't be a problem," Alex says, obviously wanting a reaction out of the woman.

"Why?" She questions, giving him the reaction he wanted.

"Well," he grins, "That's 'cause you're looking at him."

She cocks her head to the side in confusion, her bright green eyes wide, "Huh?"

He laughs at her, "Me. Violet. Are mates." He explains in a caveman's voice.

"Oh." Her eyes lit up when she realises what this means, "That's great! Absolutely great, now we don't have to deal with that problem."

"But I don't quite understand all of this..." I say, trailing off as they look expectantly at me.

"Okay", the girl speaks to me like I'm a little kid, and it annoys me a lot, "So, basically, if Alex was made Alpha, even though you were next in line, would that be fair?"

"No." My every answer is short as my headache is still pounding through my head. "But it's tradition..."

"Tradition can change." She says, sternly, then turns to Alex and grins, "But I bet you'd make a wonderful Luna!"

"Shut up, anyway, I'm already accepted as Beta."

"Oh, I forgot about that."

"Sam, you're so stupid." Oh, so that was her name. Didn't he mention it before...

"That's the one thing I'm still confused about, though," I say to them, and they both look at me.

"Huh?" Alex says.

"Why would the goddess claim you as Beta, as you are my mate, you should be Alpha, through mating, right?"

"Well, that's the thing." The woman who I now know is called Sam says, "We believe the goddess is on our side."


Hey, my miraculous readers!

Did this turn of events surprise you? How about, Sam, like her, don't care? Tell me, please.

Anyway, thank you so much for reading. It'd be greatly appreciated if you voted, if you enjoyed the chapter. I also love feedback, good or bad. 

Hope to see you in the next chapter!

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