Chapter 12

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Nobody except me feels shock as she accepts him as our Beta. I stare up at the sky, in confusion, as everyone except me smiles slightly, as Alex is a popular member amongst our pack.

The light fades away, and the reddish glow of her moon returns once more. Alex walks down the hill, his parents following, grinning all the way down. I don't know what else they expected, it should have been obvious that he would get that position.

Except for the fact that he should have been Alpha through mate.

I still feel confused. I don't understand. How was he not Alpha? What is she thinking?

My father decides to finally end the evening, "I hope that you all gave your strongest prayers to the moon goddess and are pleased with her decision for our future Beta. Everyone is now dismissed."

The crowd slowly begin to leave, heading towards the cars parked at the back of the field, as there is no carpark. Many of the people linger for several minutes, catching up with their old friends. I stand beside my father, observing the crowd as he converses with many different wolves.

"You did a very good job, Violet." I suddenly hear words addressed towards myself and I turn to the speaker.


She's dressed in a red cocktail dress, with a rather low neckline. "Uh, hey, Cassidy."

"Hello, cousin."

"'Sup" Alex comes up from behind me and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Alex!" Cassidy squeals. Great, so she still has a crush on him. "How are you? You looked amazing up there. You'll make such a great Beta."

Alex chuckles, and I'm still not sure if he knows about her love for him, "Thanks."

"So what've you been up to lately?" She asks, twirling her hair around her finger. I inwardly cringe, and also feel a strange... tension? In my chest? I don't understand it, but I don't like it.

"Not much. Just schooling and stuff." He replies.

"Oh! You should come to the school in town sometime." She giggles, "We get up to a lot of fun there."

Father had considered putting me in the school, before what happened to mum. However, I am glad he didn't. The school building is just a large house, with a class of around 12 in each room. Although Mr Harris can be a bit strict sometimes, I feel that he's probably a better teacher than the ones they hire there.

"I think I'll be busy with my own schooling," Alex responds. I let out a sigh of relief, although I don't quite know why. "You could always drop in sometimes."

"Maybe I will." She winks at him. 

We then hear my aunt yell out, "Cassidy! We're going home!"

Cassidy groans and then replies, "Fine, I'm coming Mum." She then turns towards us, "Bye. Hope to see ya round, Alex."

"You too, I guess." We watch her swagger off to her family, taking one last wistful glance back at Alex.

I realise that father is speaking to Alex and I decide to listen in on their conversation, "So, you're going to be my Beta in a few years. You think you're up for the job?" Father sounds almost friendly as he talks to my best friend.

"Yes, Alpha. At least, I'll try my best." Alex replies, forever a suck-up.

"That's what I like to hear", father pats him on the back. "I'll be glad to train you."

Alex grins, and I notice that the crowd has finally all disappeared. My father also seems to notice that, as he says, "Since everyone's gone, we just need to go home."

"What about the jewellery and the knife?" I ask.

"We leave them here tonight, then I'll get Beta Michael to come to get them tomorrow, as we have to leave them for her to inspect."

"Ah, okay," I reply. We head to the last remaining car, and I realise that father must have gotten a lift with someone else. Like to be Beta.

Father gets in the passenger side, with Alex driving, leaving me to the backseat. Usually, I would be annoyed as I don't like cars in general, the least that can be done is more window, but today all I wanna do is sleep.

I get into the car and lie down, doing up two of the seatbelts across my body in case Alex decides to tell me off for that reason. Soon, just as I'd hoped, I begin to fall into a slumber.

Red, all I can see is a bright, vivid red. The colour of the moon tonight, yet it seems closer, like the colour is the only thing that this world contains. Maybe it is, I wouldn't know.

I then see the moon, the red, large moon that I saw tonight. Then it flickers, the whole of reality flickers like a television screen between a large, blue moon, and then we go back. Red. The moon disappears and it's all red.

Suddenly, the Luna locket is seen in front of me, not hovering as such, as it seems to lie on a surface I can't see. Out of nowhere, the Alpha ring also appears. I reach for it, and then suddenly everything disappears.

I suddenly sit up in my bed, thrown out of my dream back into reality. I look out the window and don't see the usual sunrise. No, the sky is already a bright blue. I then look at the clock, '11:07', it reads.

I decide to get up, not wanting to waste any more time of the day. Although I went to bed late last night, I still should make the most of today. At least it seems like I've been excused from lessons.

I soon hear aggressive voices from the kitchen down below, so I quickly head there.


"Maybe it was stolen!" Beta argues, "It was just gone."

"Well, why on earth would anyone steal it and not the ring. It doesn't make any sense what so ever."

"Well, what else could have happened?"

I slowly walk into the room, and both of the men ignore me. I go to the fridge and grab a cup of yogurt. It's only then that I notice Alex, sitting at the dining table, calmly eating his bowl of cereal.

The two men continue their argument as I decide to join Alex, sitting down next to him as he watches the conflict.

I nudge him in the ribs, "What is going on?"

He gives me a grim look, then replies "The Locket. It's gone."


Hey, my inspiring readers!

Thank you guys for 200 reads, that's absolutely crazy!!!

Do you like Cassidy? Is she an interesting character, or just annoying? Do any of you guys have a favourite character? If so, I'd love to hear it.

Anyway, I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, and if so please consider leaving a vote. I also love feedback, whether it is good or bad. :)

Hope to see you all in the next chapter!

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