Chapter 18

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I freeze in the shock of the moment, as my father catches us in what likely appears to be a 'forbidden act'. At least, it is to him. People like the boy I met at the disco, Jayden, don't seem to care. But my father is a traditionalist.

My father, ignores me, surprisingly. Instead, he turns to Alex, "Shouldn't you know better? You're going to be the Alpha of one of the largest packs in the world. The largest in the country. You don't have times to mess around with girls."

"That's the thing, Alpha. I want to ask formally if I can date your daughter." Alex requests smirking. My father glares at him and then ignores his statement.

Alex snakes his arm around my waist, and I twist uncomfortably, as my father turns to me, "Violet. I thought you'd be more responsible."

I don't speak, out of pure shock, but I can tell that Alex is completely calm. My father turns back to him, "You could find your mate at any time. So could she, more importantly."

"Oh, but she's already found him." I can't hold it against him for saying this, although he tried to make this happen, it is Alex. He's manipulative, yet warm-hearted. 

Father looks at him, for a second, and then an expression of realisation crosses his face, replacing the anger there only moments earlier. "Congratulations. I'd always hoped for this, but it coming true is too good to believe." He walks over and pats Alex on the back.

"Well, obviously you two should mate as soon as possible." Father states and Alex nods in agreement. "By the end of the month at the latest. You could even do it tonight." But I don't want to.

"Do I have any say in this?" I ask.

"Violet. Don't interrupt us." My father says. It's absolutely infuriating how I can't have a say in my own future. 

"You can move into the spare room, tonight." Father says whilst Alex nods, "And, as I said before, tonight may even be a good time to mate. The sooner the better." Father repeats.

"B-but I don't want to mate." I interrupt.

"Violet. You'll understand once it happens. Anyway, do you two want a human wedding?" Father asks.

I consider for a second, and decide against it when Alex enthusiastically says, "Absolutely!" I decide to stay silent as they continue their discussion. 

"Well, I guess that'll have to happen next year since Violet only just turned 18. Although, we can always try and find a loophole in the laws. The only problem we have now is who will be Beta of the pack?"

Both of us tense up, and Alex asks, "What do you mean?"

"Well, obviously, since now you will become Alpha."

"Uhh..." I'm shocked by Alex's next words, I guess he really does buy into what the rebel group says, "Couldn't Violet do that?" 

Father looks at him, and then smiles slightly, seeming to believe that he was joking, "Good one. That's absolutely preposterous."

'Why is it, though?' I argue in my head.

Alex laughs the perfect actor as usual (Well, I hope, at least) and plays to the idea of it being a joke. He discusses a few more, unrelated topics and then Father speaks.

"Anyway, no funny business until after mating."


"But with most stuff, as long as I don't see it, I don't care. Got it?" My father is surprisingly in support of me and Alex doing... Stuff together. Not that I particularly want to, nor care whether I have his approval or not.

"I'll leave you two alone." 

Father leaves the house altogether and once I can sense that he's out of the house I turn to Alex and say, "We have a lot to discuss."

"Geez, that sounds dark." He pats the seat next to him, "Come sit down."

I take a seat on the sofa next to him, and he immediately puts his arm around me and pulls me closer.


"Yes?" He smirks down at me.

"Get your arm off me."

"I don't want to."

"We need to have a serious discussion!"

"Fine, fine." He pulls his arm off me, and I immediately move away, deciding to sit on the armrest of the sofa. "So what did you want to say?"

"First of all, I am not going to mate with you tonight!"

"I know, I know." He answers.

"Then why on earth did you agree with my father?"

"Because, of course, I want to. But I will respect your space."

"You kissed me an hour ago without permission!"

"Well, mostly respect it. And you kissed me back."

I had forgotten that one fact, "Well, that was just in the moment."

"We could continue that moment if you like."

I blush, and tell him, "Well, you never were this flirty until today."

"I realised that I had to be insistent to ever have a chance with a girl like you."

"What do you mean by that?"

"You'll reject me whenever you have the chance."

I pale, "I wouldn't reject you... The pack depends on our offspring." I speak with complete seriousness.

He laughs at me, "So that's the only reason. I guess I can't expect anything too soon."

"You shouldn't at all. Anyway, are you actually going to move in today?"

"Yep, after dinner." He grins. "Which reminds me, we need to go to my place to have dinner. It's a good time to tell my parents, too."

I wonder how Beta will take this news... He's always harboured a secret disliking to me.


Hey, my phenomenal readers!

So, I have a few friends who didn't know about the name of this account until recently. (Real life friends, although all of my wattpad ones are awesome too) So I am curious to see if they ever see this. So tell me if you do, guys (you know who you are).

Anyway, thanks for reading. I'd love it if you comment, and votes are also greatly appreciated. Feedback is also desired.

Hope to see you in the next chapter!

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