Chapter 25

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It has been 3 days.

3 days after they all left because of some attack. Mikaela, the queen and several others.

They've told me I don't have to go to class anymore. Which I am glad about, as it was quite embarrassing to be an adult in a room full of children. Although, here 'adult' or 'of age' doesn't seem to be a thing. Apparently, I only had to go to class so to learn the three early magicks to a basic point.

I've tried several more times to interact with the plant, to do something to it. It hasn't done a thing. I'm already a failure as a witch, but I'm holding my hopes up as most kids have more training before they gain their affinity. 

Today, I decided to scrap practising on the plant, as it didn't seem to be getting me anywhere. I already can control heat quite well, and light to an extent. So, I decided to try to practice force magick, as I personally believe that it would be the most useful, from what I've seen. It's also the hardest of the three to master.

I play with the mid-autumn leaves that lay on the cold stone. I sit about 5 metres away from them, as I sit on the entrance stairs of the estate. I force the leaves to stay in a tower, defying gravity, frozen for a moment.

I jump down the steps and go to touch the leaves. I concentrate on keeping the leaves in place, as I push my hand through the thick force. It feels as if I am trying to put my hand through a thick sludge, although I can visually see that nothing is there.

Nevertheless, my hand reaches through it to touch the leaf. It feels... normal. It's slightly disappointing as although it feels slightly stiffer and less fragile, it's still so normal.

I decide to try some risk, as I have figured out how to do this much. I wave my hand and drop my concentration, and the leaves fall back onto the ground, making a small pile on top of each other, and you would never be able to tell that they were ever any different from any other.

I focus on the area around me, the air that exists. I make it dense, and then jump, trying to fill in the area that my feet were inside. I land on top of the air. I float, it's like I'm flying!

Then, I begin to sink down into the sludge-like content, until my feet eventually hit the ground. Well, that was kind of pathetic, to say the least. I couldn't make it dense enough, dammit.

I tried a couple more times, each attempt ending the same way as the last.

This amount of magic was exhausting, as no one had taught me yet how to take magic from anything else. So, I decided to try one last time.

I jump, sideways this time and... I'm not sinking! I am actually floating! I force the platform of invisible particles up and up until I am a foot high in the air. Then, my concentration is interrupted as a large car arrived in front of the estate.

I fall to the ground, my backside hitting the concrete roughly, and I stood up, and stretched. That hurt. But I actually did it! I levitated! Sure, I hadn't done well, but I still managed it!

People begin to hurry out of the car, and I watch. I see the Queen exit through a door, and so I walk forward to greet her. Then, a stretcher follows her, the body covered by a thin blanket.

As they walk past me, the blanket falls off her pale face. Mikaela. I reach out my hand, to her own, and I feel something.

I can sense the pain. It hurts, so bad. Something horrible has happened. 

I delve through her organs and force her pain to leave me as to concentrate. I shouldn't do anything. I'm not trained, but I feel like this is what I am meant to do.

Nothing internal has damage, I can sense it, feel her organs, poke and prod. It's like a force spell, slightly, in the sensation, except it's just a sense. Her stomach and chest have been wrecked. A few ribs are broken and are risking poking at her lungs.

I move them out of the way, with what could be called a force magick, but it's so subtle. I unbind the particles around the crack in the ribs and then solidify them into place. It's working...?

Her breathing is so shallow... The blood loss is still harsh, and if I don't fix this soon, she will bleed out. Before they manage to do anything for her... But I don't know how to do anything, dammit!

I put pressure on the wound, and stop the bleeding, I try to solidify blood into holding veins into place. It works... Only slightly, but I need a second to think. This feels so... natural, as although I am not talented in any other magick, this is so easy.

I try to force the veins into knitting up together, but it won't work.

She's going to die if I can't do this! I concentrate on the pressure, whilst trying to come up with a solution. I eventually figure out what I must do, although it will pain her greatly.

I take slightly layers out of the fat in her backside. I use the tiniest string of the fat to sew the veins together. She's stable... I feel a jolt of pain from her then nothing.

"Violet! This is not the time for you to get involved!" The Queen yells at me, "Step away, so our doctors can do their jobs!"

I do as she says, and as I step away, everyone freezes as Mikaela coughs.

Then, she suddenly sits up.


Hey, my amazing readers!

How's everyone's weekend going? Any of you guys done anything cool? The weather here is miserable, and so all I have done is watch ice fall out of the sky.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and if you did, it would be greatly appreciated if you considered voting or leaving a comment, I read every comment.

Hope to see you in the next chapter!


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