Chapter 17

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His sudden proclamation takes me by surprise, and it takes me a second to respond. Finally, I gather my thoughts and reply.


"Why not?" He asks.

"You know what I think of that!"I exclaim, shuddering at the thought of it.

"The vows. Like, I swear to give my soul to you, and only you. I am yours and yours alone, and my thoughts shall always be owned by you. I know you don't like the idea of being 'property' but it doesn't really mean that. It's an expression. They really aren't that bad."

I stay silent, as I think about those horrid vows. Sure, I wouldn't do it with those vows, but either way, there are other parts of it that... I'm not a fan of.

"Are you scared?"He smirks as he breaks the silence, trying to call my bluff.

"No." I just can't be owned. My vows differ from his, and he knows it. Marriage between humans is filled with sexism, but it's worse for us. "You can't own me."

"But, I want you to be mine. And, you know that, really, you want to be mine."

I don't. I am my own person. But a part of me longs to be his. The lust, of my very nature, my instincts that were there way before our human intelligence, they beg him to take me as his.

"I do not. We've talked about this before."

He smiles, and I can already tell that he's planning something, "You can't resist it forever." He catches me off guard as I open my mouth to argue, placing his lips on mine.

The feelings that fill me as he moves his lips upon my own are indescribable. The warmth that fuels me as he pulls me across the table, his strength. And, oh, his lips are soft. So soft. I never would have imagined it to feel this good. But I can't.

A part of me wants to push away, the human part, but I'm not just human, I need him. My lips slowly begin to move against his own and the sparks that I feel make me realise why people enjoy this.

I can't think. All I can feel are his lips on mine, his hands on my cheeks, as I bring my own hands up into his hair.

He pulls away, and brings his mouth up to my ear, "I could do it right now. Apparently, it all feels a thousand times better once you've mated. Your every feeling, amplified, and you can sense how you make me feel."

"N-no." I stutter, embarrassed by the blush that betrays me, creeping onto my cheeks.

He laughs at me, and I feel immensely grateful as the waitress comes up to the table with our drinks, and places a large cup of pale tea in front of me. She quickly leaves, and I suspect that she saw what happened earlier. I resist blushing at the thought. Violet Thomas does not blush.

Although, I guess I did just break that rule.

I sip my tea quietly, ignoring Alex and studying my surroundings. The wooden walls give the room a homely feel, and the painting on the wall add to it. The simple cream-colouring of the tables is complementary to the darker brown of the seats. I have to admit that this place has good choice in decoration.

I realise that Alex is speaking to me, and I look at him and cock my head to the side. "Huh?"

He sighs, and then smiles, "How's the tea?"

I take another sip of the warm beverage, "Good." I abruptly change the subject, "You did that on purpose."


"Before. You were trying to make me mate with you."

"Never." I glare at him as he says, "I just thought I could... Inform you of a few facts."

"That's such a blatant lie," I reply.

"Anyway, what do you have so against mating if it isn't the vows? That was all you told me you had a problem with."

I stay silent as I consider the biggest problem. The fact that once we are, if we ever are, mated, he'll be able to see my thoughts whenever he pleases. The only advantage of the whole process would be being able to finally understand that incomprehensible mind of his.

I decide on my answer, "That is none of your concern."

"You're using all the big words today, Vi." Alex laughs, and then looks down at his watch, "We may as well head home. We can always say that the club ended early, and so, we just decided to go to your house."

"I guess so." I agree, and Alex goes up to the counter to pay the bill as I lurk by the exit to the cafe.

We head to his car, and I get in. For once, I'm quiet as the intensity of the earlier situation still hasn't quite left me. And from how determined he seemed, I doubt it ever will. Until I accept it. My own thoughts betray me as I buckle up my seatbelt.

I sit in my street, looking out the window for a few short minutes until Alex interrupts my idle thoughts.



"I'm just going to warn you that I will get you one day." I jump at his words and continue to look out the window, the voices inside my head warring over my feelings for him.

Because, if I look at it honestly, I don't like him. Humanly, I don't, at least. But on the other side, all I crave is him. But it's just the mate bond.

Thankfully, he doesn't speak for the rest of the ride home. As soon as we pull up on the dirt road in front of my house, I jump out of the stifling interior of the car. Although, for some reason, the outside isn't much better.

I walk inside, already sensing that my father is home. He must have some paperwork to do. I ignore the fact, as if he has something to say, he'd come to me. I hear footsteps behind me, and I turn around, fast.

Just Alex. Although, now, it isn't just Alex. Ever since the blood moon, his confidence has spiked, and he's also been a lot more... forward, but that could also just be his instincts.

Suddenly, I feel his breathing close to my face, and I can't help but wonder, 'Why now?' I soon realise what the cunning boy is doing as his lips graze my own, and the unnoticed footsteps stop abruptly.

"What do you kids think that you're doing?" My own father questions.


Hey, my terrific readers!

Hope the romance wasn't too bad. I'd love some feedback about improvements, as I've never experienced anything of the sort for myself, and would like to know if it's too cringe. It's also my first time writing anything further than hugging, (I haven't even written a crush before)

Anyway, were you guys excited that something finally developed in the relationship? Or did you just not care, lol. I'd love to hear either way. Just to reassure anyone, this book is not going to become a full on romance, just a bit of subplot.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, and a vote would be greatly appreciated. Any comments are read, and adored, also.

Hope to see you all in the next chapter!

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