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She pulls me down the stairs, her long hair streaming behind her.

"Mikaela, why did I have to get up so early?" I groan, having only just gotten to sleep at around 3 am.

"It's Christmas, Violet! No one can get up late on Christmas!"

Mikaela's cheerful voice has no effect on me. I've never celebrated Christmas before, to be fair. Werewolves have their own holidays, however, witches seem to have indoctrinated almost all the human holidays. Whether it's because they actually care about the traditions, or just wanted an excuse to celebrate, they put their utmost effort into each one.

We finally reach the library. A large tree stands in the centre, replacing the tall table, and I already dread all of this. I don't want an excuse to feel happy. I can't feel happy.

Alex would have loved this, he would have grinned, having searched for the perfect present for everyone. He would have decorated every nook and cranny with whatever he could find. It's a pity he couldn't ever see this.

If only I had been quicker. He could have been here if it wasn't for me. A few of the wolves are coming, as the Queen invited them, for some reason. 'The bigger, the better', they said. I saved so many of them, yet I couldn't save him.

I walk to a seat next to Mikaela, looking around the full room. I then place the sack which I hold under my arm by my feet. I sit down on the red bench and put my arms across my chest.

The Queen stands up, "Good morning everyone! You al-" She begins to speak but then gets interrupted as the doors are flung open.

"Sorry, we're late." A group of men stand in the door, panting. "We had to get up early but Alpha here had to go find something."

I look up as they mention 'Alpha' and my eyes meet ones that are the exact same shade of bright blue. In a way, his eyes look dull, compared to the bright ones that show magic.

"Well, as I was saying. Since everyone seems to be here, we will be having lunch at 11:30. Until then, please mix and take the time to be with your families." She finishes, then walks off to go to her own... relatives? I am uncertain on who the family she meets with are, but decide not to question it.

Mikaela stays by my side, and I ask, "You don't have anyone here? No parents come to visit or anything?"

"No. They died in a car crash about ten years ago." She replies bluntly, her eyes flashing with brief pain.  "So I'll be hanging around you today!"

"Alright," I chuckle.

My father comes up to us, and I take a moment to reflect on how full this room is. So many people, so many more witches, ones that still reside by law, but have lives, and families of their own. Humans, men even, sons, and parents. 

My father smiles as he arrives, and I can tell that, although half his pack has perished, he has a lot less stress nowadays, "Violet, it's been so long."

"8 days, father."

"Still!" He says, his tone lighter than I have ever heard it before. I guess Mikaela might have been right when she talked about the Christmas spirit, "I have something for you!"

"Oh. I do too." I reply, reaching into my brown bag. I had to get permission from the Queen and then had to copy the whole book out.

He opens the plainly wrapped package and looks confused before opening the cover, "Oh. I suspected some of this." He looks down at the contents page, "But this is history which had been completely erased." The curse placed upon them was something that they weren't supposed to learn, but this changes that. If we aren't at war, it shouldn't anger them.

"Well, understandably so," Mikaela speaks up, and father stiffens. Although both species have been getting on better lately, father and the other wolves are all put off by Mikaela, with her Affinity.

Father gives me a package as well, the red wrapping paper messily done, unsurprisingly, as we didn't usually wrap gifts back home. I rip it open and see something. I remember teasing him about it a long time ago. He denied it, but apparently, I was right.

A brown leather book. Alex's journal. 

"We had to find it, and well, it was hard-" Father goes silent as tears begin to stream down my cheeks, "Is it too soon?"

"No, just-" I can't explain it, "Thank you."

Father and I aren't ones for hugs or kisses, but this shows his love. He's changed since the war, I'm more accepted back at the pack. I'm in charge of myself, and I stayed there for a week after the war, healing the wolves.

"May I steal your daughter for a few minutes?" Mikaela chirps up.

"Yes," Father replies, and she grabs my hand, pulling me up the stairs and into her room.

"I knew I would meet you long before I did." she walks over to a bookshelf and pulls a canvas out. She places it on the easel and lets it explain itself.

I walk to the painting and trace it with my finger. Many people would look at the girl's bright eyes, or the expressions. Some may see the equipment in the background, the brown bloodstains on the dirt.

But I look into his eyes, the warmth they held. "But whe-"

"Nineteen years ago. I was fourteen." She sees the confusion in my eyes, "I saw you both, even then. Well, the picture appeared when I was deciding when to paint. I didn't think anything of it for a long time."

I nod and understand. I also know that she couldn't have helped his death, she doesn't see it all. And, although it has only been a month since he died, he will always remain in my memories.

I walk to my room, wanting some time alone. I open up the book I hold and begin to read.

Today Vi and I went to town! It was so cool. For the first time for a month, I smile. I realise that I'll always miss those who died, but this is still home, here. With or without who I used to know, I can still survive.



WOOOOOOO! Well, it's sad, but I've never completed a book before, in my life. 

I am definitely writing the book for Mikaela next, but I was thinking of whether you would prefer to read Alex's journal, or a generic sequel for this book, or neither. There is a possibility to do both, but which would you prefer?

Anyway, thank you to every single one of you who completed this book. I can't wait to go and mark this book completed!!!

Also (shameless plug) if you want to keep up with what I am writing, you can always follow me as to know when I publish a new book! 

Thanks again!!!!!


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