Chapter 21

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The first thing I notice about her is how bright her eyes are, they're brown, yet they seem to hold so much light. Apparently, mine are the same, but I've never seen it. I always thought it was just the way people decided to complicate me, as the rest of my appearance is so plain.

Her clothes are scruffy, covered in mud. How did she end up here? Her long hair reaches down to her waist, like my own. She's younger than me, I can see that. She looks to be in her early teens, maybe 13, or 14?

Alex growls, and I look at him, in shock. "What on earth was that for? Be nice, she's so small." I go to reach out my hand to the poor girl, but Alex grabs my hand.

"She's a witch." His brown eyes glare at her, and she just blinks at him.

I look at the two of them, "Really, her?"

"Yes." Alex is still tense, and I remember how I brushed it off when he mentioned witches before. I didn't really believe him, nor care. I still don't quite-

"He's right." She agrees.

"But you're so young; all the witches in our tales are evil looking old women."

"Well, I'm older than you, Violet. 33 years old, to be honest." She smiles, and I look at her in shock.


"Yep." She grins, "We live a lot longer than the average mortal and we al-"

Alex interrupts her and asks in a threatening tone, "Why are you here? On our land? That's a way to begin a war."

I still can't believe that witches still exist. Didn't they all get killed in the middle ages or something? At least, that's what I thought.

"I sensed magic... I hoped they could help me, I got hurt."

Alex nods, although he still seems cautious, "Well, I don't know where the magic is."

"Well, then you really are stupid. I thought wolves could sense it. It's in her." The wolf gestures to me.

"WHAT?" I exclaim, in even more shock. "I-I can't do magic. I'm just a wolf, through and through."

The girl looks to me. "That's wrong." She cocks her head to the side, "Why do you think they tore your mother apart? And why your father kept you away?"

"Rogues are crazy. A lot of pups don't get taken out much..."

"To the extent you were?"

"That was just father being protective. And, my mother was a wolf, I saw it!" 

"She was, but her father wasn't. He had the blood, our blood.

"But he wasn't a witch?"

"No. Men aren't. Anyway, can you please help me? I know you can't see it, but I'm in a whole tonne of bloody pain right now."

"I can't do magic."

"I need your power. Just grab my hand."

"Vi, no-" Alex says, but I ignore him, grabbing her outstretched hand.

The feeling isn't unpleasant, as such. It's just... strange. A cold flow goes through my body, and I feel immensely more aware of her existence. I can feel her, feel everything. I can hear her. The only thing that I can relate this to is how they say it feels after mating.

You can hear me, huh?

Her voice rockets through my head and my eyes widen in surprise, although, in the real world, time seems to have slowed down. 

You have more of our blood than I thought.

Blood. She takes her hand off mine, and I feel glad. Blood. The word rings through my head, as reality suddenly slaps me in the face.


Witches blood. What does that make me? Alpha blood takes all of the other wolf out of you, and so I should be pure Alpha. Just as Alex 100 percent Beta. But blood. If I have witch blood, can I ever really be a leader for my pack? If I wasn't born to be that way, do I really have a right?

Alex looks to me, "Are you alright, Vi?"

"I'm fine." I glance at him, my face still pale.

"Thank you so much, Vi!" The witch smiles at me.

I only realise now to ask, "How do you know my name?"

"I can sense things. I have a celestial affinity." She replies. "That means I can see parts of the future, a bit like a prophet. It makes it a little easier to measure people's magic."

She gestures to Alex, then says, "He's one of the least magical people I've ever met."

"I'd say being able to turn into a wolf would be seen as pretty bloody magical," Alex says, gruffly.

"I'm in your debt now, Violet! Although, I could repay you a bit now." She smiles and grabs my hand. Alex seems to suspect what she is doing and tries to stop her, but as my vision fades, he realises that he's too late.

Everything is a dark colour... Slightly green, I think? It glows, the world glows, I feel the grass under my feet, I can sense the woodland around me. It talks to me. Nature is a part of me, it feels.

My eyes fly open and I look to the witch, "What on earth was that?"

"I thought you had a forest affinity."

"That sounds so lame."

That's rather rude. It's the reason why your magic had so much healing potency.

I look at her, and stare. "You can do that, now?"

"What?" Alex asks.

"She spoke to me, like a pack link. Except, I'm human now."

"No. You aren't really human, Violet. It's a mind link, which can only be done by us." She tells me. "Well, I have to leave. I'll contact you later, Violet."

Alex looks to me with worried eyes, and I suddenly realise the consequences of what will happen.


Hey, my perfect readers!

So, this plot just took a turn. Good or bad? Interesting? I didn't plan the story to go like this, but my plans are never really stuck to.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. If you did enjoy it, please consider leaving a vote. Feedback (whether good or bad) and comments are both greatly appreciated.

Hope to see you in the next chapter!

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