Chapter 5

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"I'm acting childish?" I question, "It's all for my own good? Is it for my own good that I know nothing about anything?"

"No b-", Alex tries to speak, but I interrupt him.

"Is it for my own good that we were attacked, and I didn't expect it, so I had no clue that we were supposed to be cautious?"

"Can you just liste-"

"No, Alex. I can not just listen to what everyone tells me. You tell me that I should be able to tell what is going on, that I should realise what is happening, but how can I know anything if everyone tells me nothing?"

"Vi. It's not your job to worry about this."

"It isn't my job? If my life is being threatened, I do believe that I should be able to protect myself."

"Violet. Don't tell this to me."

"Why not?"

"Because it doesn't matter either way," he looks me dead in the eye, "You know that an Alpha's command is an Alpha's command."

"Oh..." I come to the realisation that it isn't Alex's fault that he won't tell me anything. It's my father, it's always my father. He doesn't want me to do anything, in case something will happen like what happened to Mum.

I yawn, looking out at the window seeing that it is already dark. "Shouldn't we go to bed or something?"

"I guess so", Alex replies, suddenly seeming in a better, more lighthearted mood. He walks the few footsteps to the hallway cupboard and takes a sleeping bag out of it. 

"Why on earth were you keeping a sleeping bag in my house?", I question.

"I was here last night. Alpha told me to keep my stuff in there", he replies, "So that I don't have to run home every night."

"Seems pretty stalkerish to me!", I laugh at him as his face turns a bright red.

"I'm not a stalker if I'm told to do it!" He exclaims.

"It kinda is." I begin to bend over in laughter, "You even called yourself a stalker this morning!"

"Your dad-assigned stalker!" He argues, "And it was a joke."

"A dad-assigned stalker is a stalker nonetheless." I decide to stop messing with Alex, "Anyway, I'm so tired. I just wanna go to sleep."

He smiles, "Okay, just go to bed then, I'll be out in the hall if you need me. Goodnight."

I stand just inside my door, "Goodnight", I pause, "Stalker." I slam the door so he can't argue back. 

I giggle slightly to myself and then lay down on top of the covers, and soon, I am asleep.

Cold. All I can feel is cold.

I am freezing, my teeth chattering, arms wrapping around myself.

I open my eyes and see a grinning Alex holding a jug full of water. "I'll get you for that."

Alex laughs, then begins to run down the stairs. "No, you won't!"

"You wanna bet?", I begin to chase after him. When I reach the bottom of the stairs, I spot him next to the sink, about to refill his jug.

Still drenched, I know that I don't have enough time to stop him from turning on the tap, so, instead, I dive for the fridge.

I pull open the door and feel the cold air blast me, shivering once more as my wet clothing sticks grossly to my skin. I take out the first bottle I find and unscrew the lid.

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