Hospital Jell-o

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Lance walked through the halls of the Garrison's infirmary, his hands carrying a tray which contained red gelatin, Allura's favorite. He proudly daunted the turtleneck Veronica had bought him. "The princess will love it!" She had said when he put it on. And love it she did, he caught her constantly ogling him.

He shook his head from any thoughts as he approached her door, pushing it open with his hip. "Hey 'Llura, your delivery boy's here." He said with a smile as he walked towards her bed, placing the tray next to the flowers he had sent.

"Thank you Lance, you save the day as always." Spoke Allura with a mock diplomatic voice, eliciting a laugh from Lance.

"Well, I am the best pilot in the universe, y'know? I beat Keith, and Shiro." He said while grabbing a cup of Jell-O from the tray.

"Sure you did, sharpshooter. Sure you did." Allura said, already digging into the Jell-O with a spoon. "How do they make this? It's like food goo but with actual flavor?" She asks with a mouth full of the gelatin.

"You'd have to ask Hunk. I don't know how they make it but I couldn't care less, it's delicious." He said humming happily, looking out the window and seeing the lions in formation.

"We've done some great thing together, Lance. I'm sure we'll do many more." Allura says, shifting his attention from the window to her.

"I just, I can't believe I'm home. It's overwhelming sometimes." He says, tears brimming his eyes. "I never thought I'd see my family again."

He felt a hand fall on his shoulder. "You're here Lance, and they're safe. I couldn't tell you how proud I am at all that you've accomplished." She said while leaning in, letting herself lean onto him.

He ran his hands through her hair and remembered all the nights they would lay like this. All they did was talk about Altea and Earth. Lance always promised her he'd take her to Veradero, and she would get a glint in her eye when she asked him to talk about it.

He felt Allura shift and looked over at her. Allura smiled at him and leaned in, her eyes fluttering closed. Lance was taken aback but soon he began to lean in as well. When their lips met it felt as thoug the universe's quintessence was flowing around them. Allura felt as if nothing else that had happened mattered in the moment. Not the alliance, not Voltron, and not the squealing of Veronica, who had been standing in the doorway watching.

"I knew you were going to make out, I called it!" She walked away and the stomping of her boots faded. "Hunk you owe me $10!"

Lance sighed and let his shoulders fall. Allura giggled and sat back up, crossing her legs and twiddling her thumbs.

"Would you mind getting me more Jell-O? I think we ran out."

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