Spring Day

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It was just like any other day for Earth, for most of the galaxy. But if you went beyond the stars of the Milky Way, there would be a great ship, holding the paladins of Voltron and their respective lions. Lights danced around the main room and plates full of food goo were passed around. "Happy Birthday Allura!"'s were thrown around as a certain Alien princess was bewildered by what her fellow paladins were doing.

"What's going on?" Allura said, wearily stepping into the control room. She looked around and was amazed by all the decorations that were hung up by the team.

"It's your birthday, Princess! And we wanted to celebrate with you." Said Hunk, who was holding a cake made of Food goo.

Allura smiled at this, she had forgotten that this day even existed. She had been so caught up with Galra that she didn't have time to do anything for herself. She even forgot about the 'Special Earth Spa Day surprise' that Lance had prepared for her. Speaking of Lance, she couldn't see him anywhere. 

She was startled by a horn that sounded in the corner. "SURPRISE!" Shouted Lnace as he popped up from behind his seat. "What? Did I miss it? I thought you said count to 10?" Lance said towards Pidge, who was shaking her head and smiling. 

"Don't worry Lance, it's fine. But I may have lost my hearing." She joked, as she walked forward and enveloped the team, Lance running forward and joining them.

"Well, now that the formalities are done let's celebrate!" said Hunk, walking over to the cake and rolling the table over to where the team was standing. They sang a traditional song from Earth for her and then she blew out some candles. She smiled as her friends clapped and cheered in celebration. 

Moments later, after Hunk had passed around the cake and everyone was talking among each other, Allura approached Lance and Keith. "Keith it's not that hard! Just say 'Tron' after I say 'Vol-'." Lance said, waving around his plate in order to emphasize his point.

"I know that Lance, I'm just saying it's so much easier for one person to say Voltron! I mean why-" Keith cut himself off as he saw Allura approaching them. He squinted at Lance and back at Allura. "Good luck, Sharpshooter." He said before walking away prompting Lance to turn around. 

"Oh, Hi Allura. Sorry about that, Keith was being kind of difficult." He said with a laugh. 

"I could tell, you two can never agree on anything." she said, smiling back at him. "I forgot to say thank you. Hunk told me you planned this." She said, tucking a strand of Hair behind her ear.

"Oh, well yeah. Kind of. I mean we all contributed y'know. Hunk made the cake, Pidge set up the lights. Keith helped set up the decorations." He said shyly, rubbing the back of his neck and rocking on his heels. 

"Still, I wanted to thank you personally." She admitted, finding his shy personality endearing. 

"Well, I just did what I felt was right. Plus, you deserved a break, we all did." He said, offering  soft smile.

"Well, If you really want to spoil me, I think you should get me a gift?" She asked jokingly, smiling as she took a sip of her nunvill.

"Yeah, of course. I have one right here, just close your eyes." He said, a mischievous grin decorating his face.  

She did as told and closed her eyes, holding out her hand. She felt his hand cup her face and his lips crash into hers. She melted into the kiss and didn't mind the giggles and whispers from Shiro and Pidge. He pulled away and she opened her eyes, seeing his grin cover his face. "Happy Birthday Allura." He said, walking towards Keith and leaving her stunned, a dopey grin spread across her face.

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