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The wind was blowing softly in Allura's ear, leaving her shuddering. She lay on Blue's paw, staring at the fire, which was surrounded by the paladins. Pidge and Hunk were off to the side, Keith and Shiro were off in a corner talking to Krolia. Lance, sadly, was nowhere to be found.

She tucked her feet into her chest snugly, hoping it would warm her up a bit. She would go towards the fire, but she found being around Blue to be comforting. "Hey Princess, mind if I take a seat here?" She heard Lance ask from beside her. She jumped slightly but regained her composure.

"Not at all, I was hoping someone would come keep me company." She answered, moving to the left ever do slightly so that Lance would have room. He sat down and let out a sigh, staring up at the night sky. "It's beautiful out here. Back home there's so much dust and pollution in the air that you can barely see the stars." He said with a wistful tone in his voice.

"I'm afraid it was like that as well on Altea, the only way to see the stars, was to go to a different planet. Sadly, since I was the princess I could rarely go out unless it was for diplomatic reasons." Allura said, tears threatened to fall from her glassy eyes. She felt Lance's hand wrap around hers.

"I'm glad I'm able to explore the universe with you." He said simply. "I wanted it give you something." He reached around his neck and removed a necklace, one she had never noticed. "My mom gave this to me on my 10th birthday. She said it would remind me of home whenever I felt it."

Allura stared at the necklace, her eyes watering. "Lance, I can't take this from you." She said, remembering just how much his mother meant to him. She looked up at him and saw a soft look in his eyes.

"Allura, I wanted to give this to you because it's a piece of home. Now, everytime I see it I'll remember that home is wherever you are." He said, his voice was just above a whisper. She felt herself finally give in to the tears and sent herself flying towards him, embracing him in a hug. They hugged for a minute before he pulled away.

"Here, turn around." She followed his instructions and moved her hair to the side, exposing her neck. She felt his long, slender fingers brush against her nape, before feeling the cold metal of the necklace wrap around her. She turned back around and saw how close they were, she could feel his breath. She felt his hands cup her cheeks before feeling his lips on hers. Much to her dismay, it was over just as soon as it had started.

"It's perfect, just like you." 

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