Coffee Shop

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Lance was walking down the street with his hands in her pockets, protecting them from the cold winter air. He turned the corner and saw the familiar building in all it's glory. He quickly rushed across the street, careful not to run into cars on the way. When Lance entered the quaint building, he was immediately enveloped by the scent of coffee. He quickly made her way to the line. He grew grumpier by the second, watching enviously as the people who had ordered walked by him. Once the line in front of him  finally dissipated, he walked up to the counter, a smile of relief on his face. 

'Hello, what can I get for you?" He heard a voice say, He looked back down from the menu and stared at the woman in front of him. She was new,  he could tell because of the white apron she wore. He remembered when Keith, his roommate, began working here. He complained how he was forced to wear bright colors the first day. 

"Hello, I'll take a Vanilla Macchiato." He answered, with his face slightly flushed. he noticed the way she was eager about her first day. He remembered all of the other worker's fist days, Keith was grumpy, Pidge was nervous, and Hunk just wanted to make the perfect coffee.

"Of course, anything else I can get you handsome?" She asked with a wink. She leaned her elbows forward on the counter, letting her head fall onto her hands. 

He blushed when he processed what she said. "If I could get your number that would be nice." He responded, throwing a flirty smile back at her as he tapped his fingers on top of the counter. 

"Alright, can I get your name?" She asked as she grabbed a cup and her pen, uncapping it and placing it on the cup. 

"Name? Oh, Lance." he said, his face quickly heating up and becoming more red than a rose.

"Alright, your order will be ready in a couple minutes."She said innocently. He nodded and began to walk away, watching her attend another customer. He sat down at one of the tables and pulled out his phone. He heard the same girl call out his name, looking at him. 

"Thank you," he looked on her apron and smiled.", Allura." She gave him a quizzical look, surprised that he learned her name without even asking her. Lance understood the look on her face and chuckled. "You have a name tag." He responded simply. 

"Oh, right. Well, hope you give me call. Perhaps we can get a cup of coffee sometime." she said, a soft smile spreading across her face. 

He smiled back as he walked away. "Yeah, hopefully." He said as he waved goodbye at her. He watched her turn away and work on someone else's coffee, a dorky smile sprawled across her face. 

"Seriously? She asked me to take over the register so she could flirt with you?" He heard a familiar voice say as he turned his head. 

"Shut up Keith, you flirt with any guy that passes through here." He said before making his way out of the door, leaving the boy to his job. 

"It was one time! I thought you were someone else!" He heard Keith say before the door closed behind him. 


Hey, I'm sorry I couldn't upload for like a week. But you know how it is. School blah blah blah. Anyway, I'm probably going to update twice a week now instead of every other day, at least until I get my life together. Anyway, thanks for supporting the book so much. I can't believe all the readers it's getting.

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