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It was over, the war, the pain, the suffering. Allura watched as Honerva's spell was reversed, Voltron had been victorious. She let out a sigh as she leaned back in her lion's seat. Through the voices filled with excitement what were roaring through the comms, a voice that belonged to a brown haired Cuban boy stood out. Listening to his ecstatic voice filled her heart with warmth. When their lions finally returned to the Atlas, he immediately ran up to her, lifting her up and kissing her. It was soft, yet filled with so many different emotions.

"We did it, 'Llura" he said, cupping her face in his hands. She smiled softly and nodded, pulling away so that they could congratulate the other Paldins and crew members.

Later that night, they had a big celebration. There was laughter, crying, and happiness all around. Allura was sitting next to Lance, holding his hand under the table as Kinkade was telling them stories about his home. Lance looked down at Allura and gave her quick peck on the cheek, eliciting a giggle from her. "What was that for?" She asked with a grin. He smiled and shrugged. "I don't know, I'm just glad you're here, with me." He said softly, nuzzling his head in the crook of her neck.

Hours later, while the party was still going on and Pidge was sent to her room, Shiro, Keith and Coran were 'intoxicated' As Allura so kindly put it Hunk had refrained from drinking, and so had Lance and Allura. Keith, and Shiro however were still downing shot after shot of nunvill. "Don't you guys know when to stop? I mean come on you've finished half the bottle and this is way too strong for humans." Lance said, ignoring Coran as he fell asleep on his shoulder.

Keith looked at Lance straight in the eye, planting his palms on the table. "He lost an arm and I was stuck on a space whale for 2 years. We deserve a couple drinks." He said firmly, pouring himself another glass after. "You got it buddy." Lance responded, sitting up and letting Coran fall onto his chair.

"Alright well, I'm going to knock out right now. I'll see you guys in the morning." Lance said, waving at Shiro and Keith and giving Allura a kiss on her forehead. "You coming, 'Llura?" He asked, his voice muffled by her hair. Ever since they began dating they've been sleeping in Lance's bed since the princess found it comfortable.

"Yeah, Help me up?" She asked, her voice projecting how tired she was. Lance simply laughed and picked her up bridal-style. "Off to your palace princess." Lance said jokingly, maneuvering his way through the corridors and opening his bedroom door, softly setting Allura down on his bed.

"I'm skipping the face mask today, I'm too tired." Lance said, crawling onto the bed and hugging Allura from the back and turning off the bedside lamp he had on his nightstand. Allura turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him softly. "Good, you don't let me kiss you when you have it on." Allura said.

"I'm glad you're okay, I'm glad we're all okay." Lance whispered, placing his hand on the side of her cheek. "Always." She said, deepening their kiss as she smiled through it.

Lance returned the kiss and laughed. "We're not getting a wink of sleep tonight are we?" He asked as he buried his face into the crook of Allura's neck.

"Not one wink."

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