Drafts UwU

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Basically just short stories that aren't long enough for their own chapter💙💖

I. Movie Night

The day had gone like any other on the Atlas, training, training, and more training. So who could blame Romelle, and Rizavi for organizing a movie night.

Currently, Allura found herself seated on the couch, a blanket placed messily over her and a bowl of popcorn in her hand. She tried to watch the movie, she truly did. But even something so simple seemed nearly impossible when Lance had his palm in hers, his thumb lazily drawing circles on the back of her hand.

"M'tired" he said simply, rubbing his eye with his free hand. She hummed in agreement, or at least she tried. She let out a small squeak when she felt his head rest on her lap, his eyes closing as he looked up toward the ceiling. She may have let out a tiny squeak

"Everything Alright Princess?" He asked, eyebrows furrowed and his voice quiet enough for only Allura to hear. She noticed the way his hair was disheveled, and his blue eyes twinkled under the light of the TV

Allura offered a soft laugh and a nod. Lance McClain would be the end of her, but maybe that's okay with her.

II. Boy with Luv

Lance took a deep breath, his chest rising and his fingers tapping along his glass. He thought that when they got to Earth, he would never have to attend another diplomatic ball again.

Boy, was he wrong.

"Nervous?" He heard a soft voice say from behind him. He turned around to face Pidge, sporting a suit with a dark green tie.

"You could say that." He answered, but it sounded more like a question than an answer.

"You've been to a thousand, it's just one more." She spoke as she tilted her head to look behind him and smirked. "Well I'll leave you alone, I think someone else needs you for a second." She said, turning around and making her way towards Hunk and Keith.

"May I have this dance?" Lance heard Allura say behind him. He turned around and he was at a loss for words.

"No" he said quickly.

He watched as Allura's smile fell and his heart felt heavy. "No no no, I-I mean I would love to dance with you but I can't dance with you, because I don't know how to dance." He added quickly, barely allowing himself time to breathe.

Allura's smile returned and she let out a soft giggle that turned Lance's legs to jelly. "Let me teach you?" She offered, extending her hand towards him.

"Yeah. Okay." He whispered, taking her hand and letting her lead him to the dance floor. He placed his hand on her waist, his other still intertwined with hers.

After the first 2 minutes, Lance had finally gotten comfortable, and their bodies were pressed together in a slow dance, her head laying on his chest and his chin laying atop her hair. The music being played behind them was the least important thing in that moment.

"I love you." He heard Allura say suddenly. He faltered and almost tripped over his own foot. He looked down at Allura, her eyes searching his for any kind of response.

"Thanks" He squeaked out. "I mean you too. I love you too, so much." He whispered, scrunching his eyebrows in embarrassment.

Allura giggled, leaning up and meeting his lips with hers. Their kiss was short, sweet. She pulled away and her eyes fluttered open, a grin plastered onto her face. "You're welcome." She whispered in his ear before walking away, leaving Lance dumbfounded.

The rest of the night was spent with teasing glances, blushing cheeks, and stolen kisses.

III. 'Jealousy, thy name is Allura'

Allura was a princess. Yes, she was humble, but growing up, she still had everything she could ever want.

Allura had never really felt real jealousy, until now at least.

She was sitting across from Lance and a girl named Lauren. She couldn't think of a name she hated more.

She had known Lance since before he had entered the Galaxy Garrison. The smile on his face instantly grew as they enveloped in a hug. They spent the next 10 minutes catching up, Lauren asking him what it felt like to be a defender of the universe, and Lance asking how SATs had gone for her.

Allura tried to ignore the pair, rubbing her curled index finger with her thumb.

"You look mostly the same, a bit taller but still." Lance spoke, a grin plastered on his face.

"Maybe you just shrunk." Lauren joked back, earning a soft giggle from Lance

Only she should make him laugh like that, she thought. Of course she knew that was a selfish thought, but that didn't make her believe it any less.

"You looks good in blue, it suits you." Lauren said nonchalantly, and that was it for Allura. She stood and grabbed Lance's arm, pulling him towards an empty hallway.

"Woah, Allura wait up." Lance protested, to no avail.

"Hey, what was that fo-" His sentence was cut short by Allura's  lips crashing into his. He wrapped his arms around her waist as she hastened the kiss.

"Mine." Allura whispered as he left a trace of kisses along her jaw and down to her collar bone.

He hummed against her neck as her hands tangled in his hair.

"Only yours." He whispered.


I'm thinking of starting a new book, I'll keep you posted UwU💖💙

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2019 ⏰

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