Cotton Candy and Flirting

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The first thing Allura had noticed when she was walking with him through the festival grounds was how genuine his smile was. The way he looked at everything with happiness that she had never seen on him before. She knew how badly he missed earth and now he was on it. Still she was shocked to see how closely it resembled Altea, from the cities to the way people acted. It was all so familiar yet so different.

The second thing she noticed was how soft his hand felt as it enveloped her own. It had happened during their ride on a roller coaster, she was scared on the way up so he grabbed her hand to calm her down. It didn't work at the moment but after the ride was over she didn't want to let go.

Her thoughts were interrupted as she heard a gasp escape Lance's lips. "Cotton candy!" He said with the voice of a child who'd just been allowed to grab a candy at the market. "Come on 'Llura," he said as he began to pull her through the crowd. "You're going to love it." He said as he payed for 2 cones, handing her a pink one.

She looked at it as if questioning how to eat it, which Lance picked up on. "You pick a piece off and eat it, see." He said as he punched a piece between his ended finger and thumb and popped it into his mouth. He instantly melted and let the flavors burst in his mouth.

She tentatively grabbed a piece just as he had and put it in her mouth. She felt the flavor of sweetness come and go quickly. "It's gone?" She asked with a disappointed tone.

"Oh Right, it dissolves when it comes into contact with liquids." He said, pinching another piece off of his cone. She nodded in understanding and smiled, enjoying the flavor and aftertaste.

"Hey I've been meaning to ask you something. When we first arrived on Earth and we were in the hospital, did you draw what was on the card?" She asked as she smirked.

Lance grinned and shook his head. "Nah, I sent the flowers and wrote the note but my niece drew the tiny me." He answered as he gave her a warmhearted smile.

Allura returned the smile, slightly blushing at the fact that he sent flowers for her. "Well, the note was beautiful to say the least." She said as she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

Lance grinned and raised an eyebrow. If I didn't know any better it would seem like you were hitting on me." He said as he tucked a piece of the cotton candy into his mouth.

Allura leaned her head on his shoulder and chuckled lightly. "You would like that wouldn't you, Loverboy?" She asked as she pulled back to get a glimpse of his face. His face was so red it rivaled his lion's paintjob.

"I-uh yeah I mean- obviously I-" he stumbled with his words as he rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand, the other slightly twitching as if just realizing it was holding onto Allura's. She giggled quietly and shook her head. With a smirk, she reached up and kissed his cheek. "Don't worry, Sharpshooter. You'll get your chance someday." She said as she leaned back down.

"Now come on, I want some more of that cotton candy." She said as she led him towards the stand with the goofiest grin on her face.


So uh yeah, that was my first fanfiction. Hope you just liked it and if you didn't please let me know what I can do better. Also, don't forget that I'm taking requests for more oneshots.

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