prologue part one // i respectfully disagree

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"I deserve to die." Veronica Sawyer told Jason Dean.

"I respectfully disagree." He said, wrangling the bomb from her arms and holding it to his body.

"JD please don't do this. You- you don't understand what you're about to do!" Veronica cried, it was killing her to see him holding the homemade bomb to his chest.

"I do understand, Veronica." His voice was shaky. He was scared to die. "I'm far too damaged." He insisted.

"No. You can get help and we can stay together and be as normal as we can be!" Veronica shouted even though they were close to one another, closer than before as she moved towards him. She was panicking and hysterical. Tears were pouring down her face.

"Veronica," He said her name, it was a warning, it came out strangled from the tears pooling in his eyes and the lump growing in his throat.

"JD, I'm pregnant." Veronica told him. She didn't want him to find out this way, when he was about to blow up into thousands of tiny little pieces.

"What?" He asked, the bomb falling out of his arms and dropping to his feet with how shocked he was.

"I-I didn't want to tell you yet but you won't stay for just me, so stay for this." Veronica said, holding out her hand to him. "We gotta run now, or else all three of us are gonna die."

He took her hand and together they ran from the bomb. Halfway across the football field and the bomb blew up. The light blinded Veronica but not JD, he'd seen it many times. The sound made both of their ears ring however. After that bomb went off, they collapsed to the ground onto their knees and finally relaxed a little bit. Veronica was panting, she wasn't very good at running. JD wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into him as he cried.

"God, Veronica, you should've told me that first. We could've gotten a slushie before it blew." He joked, it was one of his only ways to cope with emotion and it caused Veronica, who was also crying, to breathe a laugh.

"You're crazy." Veronica laughed.

"I suppose. I'm crazy about you." He said to her. "I worship you, Veronica."

"If you worship me, you have to let me worship you back, jackass. That's how love works." Veronica teased and he just squeezed her tighter as the school came outside to see what the noise was.

"Are you okay?" Heather McNamara asked Veronica. Her and Martha Dunnstock had instantly found JD and Veronica.

"You two look like hell." Heather Duke added with a sassy sneer.

"Yeah?" JD asked, looking at Veronica. "We just got back." Him and Veronica began to truly laugh then.

"Veronica what are you even doing back with him?" Heather McNamara asked. She was hurt. "You said you were done with him like a week ago."

"There's been a change of plans." Veronica replied as her and JD stood up together. They were relying on one another to stand up. "I'm pregnant."

"Veronica, that's not funny." Martha said.

"I'm not kidding." Veronica told Martha. "I'm really pregnant."

"She is. And I'm going to help her raise it, it's my baby too." JD corroborated the claims made by his girlfriend.

"Oh that's just rich!" Heather Duke laughed.

"Shut up Heather." JD told the small Asian girl who made a face of disgust at him.

"No one tells me to shut up anymore." She sputtered.

"Yeah, well, we do now." JD said as Veronica took the red scrunchie out of Duke's black curly hair and handed it to Veronica.

"Heather, my dear, there's new sheriffs in town." Veronica grinned as she put the scrunchie in her own brown curls.

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