interview six // finn

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Finn: Why the fuck am I here?

Detective Kelly: You know why. Now state your name and age for the record.

Finn: My name is Finn Cromwell, I'm almost seventeen. Why am I here?

Detective Kelly: My partner arrested you for conspiring to kill.

Finn: Kill who?

Detective Kelly: Jesse Dean, Chloe's older brother.

Finn: I didn't kill Jesse.

Detective Kelly: No, but that's because you got Chloe to shoot the gun. How did you get her to do that?

Finn: I told her she'd be taking control.

Detective Kelly: Now was that before or after you hit her?

Finn: I never laid a fucking hand on Chloe.

Detective Kelly: Why would a girl who's been abused lie about new abuse?

Finn: Chloe likes being the victim.

Detective Kelly: Really? Because that doesn't seem true to me.

Finn: What does it seem like to you?

Detective Kelly: It seems like Chloe finally got free from her brother's abuse. She trusted herself to make friends, to date. Only to find herself in the arms of another abuser.

Finn: Where did you come up with that story?

Detective Kelly: From Chloe.

Finn: Well it isn't true. I've never abused Chloe.

Detective Kelly: You might be able to convince other people but I'm a police officer. I can tell when people are lying. And you, are lying.

Finn: Fuck off.

Detective Kelly: So why did you convince her to do it? Was it to control her? Save your own ass?

Finn: I didn't convince her to do anything. Everything she wanted to do! It was just too icky for her to accept.

Detective Kelly: I'm sure.

Finn: I'm not telling you anything else without seeing Chloe.

Detective Kelly: You're not going to see her. You're going to jail.

Finn: And what about that little psycho?

Detective Kelly: That's none of your business.

Finn: It was her fucking idea! She said she wanted to kill him! She changed her mind because it was icky to her! She hated herself for having the same desire to kill he did! She's fucking crazy.

Detective Kelly: And that is why she'll end up in a psych ward where you'll end up in prison.

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