twelve // it all comes to an end

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March 30th, 2006

The months passed, Winter turned to Spring. The entire case had been presented to the judge. He was making his final decisions. The four teenagers sat in front of him. All of them knew Chloe would get the worst of the sentencing since she shot the gun. Their parents sat in the pews, watching. The judge, who was named Reynolds, started with Lincoln.

"Lincoln Sanchez, please stand." Judge Reynolds said. "For the hindrance of prosecution, I find you guilty. You are sentenced to 500 hours community service, a fine of $10,000 and a mental evaluation." He decided, Lincoln nodded. Next the judge gave Bianca the same punishment as Lincoln, since they both hindered prosecution.

"Thank you." Bianca said, she knew the judge had gone easy on her and Lincoln. The judge nodded a 'You're Welcome'.

"Finn Cromwell, please stand." The judge said and Finn rose. He glanced at Chloe and felt a tinge of remorse. "For murder in the second degree, I find you not guilty by reason of mental illness or defect. You are sentenced to a year in a Ohio State Prison, 900 hours of community service and a fine of $800,000. You will get a mental evaluation biannually and you will stay at least 300 feet away from Chloe Dean."

Chloe felt relief that Finn wouldn't be allowed near her. He could tell from the hatred in his eyes that he would kill her if he could.

"Chloe Dean, please stand." The judge said. Chloe stood up, shakily, brushing down her pink dress. "For the crime of voluntary mansluaghter, I find you not guilty by reason of mental illness or defect. You are sentenced to nine months in a state mental hospital. Once your sentence there is complete, you will do 500 hours community service. You also owe a fine of $80,000. You will get mental evaluations biannually."

Chloe shed a few tears, as did her mother. But they were all around thankful that she was going to a mental health facility instead of jail or prison. Chloe said goodbye to her friends, who were allowed to visit if they wanted to. She didn't say a word to Finn. Her parents and the officers, walked with her out of the room to lead her to the facility she'd be staying at.

This is part one of a series! The next book will begin soon! I originally wanted to do more court scenes and such, but I don't know how to write a court scene really. So I just did a time skip and went straight to sentencing.

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