prologue part two // telling them

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"Are you scared to tell your parents?" JD asked, getting clothes out of his dresser for him and Veronica to put on. Their clothes were charred black and somewhat burnt from the bomb.

"I'm terrified." Veronica chuckled, shaking her head slightly. "They're home today, so after we get dressed we can go tell them." She said and he nodded.

"I want to give you something," JD told her, digging into his nightstand and pulling out a small box. "I got this for you, for a promise ring. I thought maybe it'll do until I can buy a wedding band." He said, holding the box open to display a silver ring with three blue sapphires on it. "I mean if you want things to go that way. You don't have to take it." He rambled at Veronica's silence.

"JD, it's beautiful." Veronica breathed.

"I saw it and knew you had to have it." JD laughed. "I love you, Veronica." He said, all of a sudden serious.

"I love you too." Veronica replied and the two kissed, finally reconciling.

The two went to Veronica's home, the place where she was raised. They walked inside timidly. Veronica was fidgeting with the ring, which was on her left hand, signifying that her and JD sort of just got engaged. She spun the beautiful piece of jewelry around and around her finger as her mother greeted her and JD.

"Veronica, you're home early." Her mother, Valerie said. It was after school but Veronica never came straight home. She always ended up coming in around dinner time.

"Uh, yeah. School got off early for a bomb threat and I hung out with JD." Veronica explained.

"A bomb threat?" Valerie asked. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, it went off on the football field. Nowhere near the school." Veronica said, proud that she kept the bomb away from the building.

"Oh your father will be upset about that." Valerie said to Veronica before turning to JD. "Veronica's father was on the football team in high school. Quarterback." Valerie explained to the confused boy. She smiled, remembering her own high school years fondly. She looked down and noticed Veronica's ring. "What is that?" She asked.

"It's a ring." Veronica said.

"Why is it on your left hand?" Valerie questioned.

"I'm kind of engaged." Veronica admitted.

"Why?" Valerie asked. She knew Veronica, or at least she believed she did, she saw no reason why her daughter with high hopes and big dreams would get married to the first boy she went steady with.

"Um," Veronica mumbled as JD squeezed her hand supportively.

"You better not be pregnant." Valerie said. Once the words left her mouth, she took notice of the teenager's faces.

"I am though." Veronica confessed.

"Oh my god." Valerie said, sitting down onto the couch, with her palm on her chest to express shock. "You're joking." She prayed that her daughter was doing another cruel joke. Veronica had a pretty sick sense of humor.

"She isn't." JD broke the news to Valerie.

"Are you the father?" Valerie asked and JD laughed sort of, wondering who else could be the father but him.

"He is." Veronica answered for JD. Her mother knew that she sometimes tagged along if one of the Heathers needed a partner to double with but her mother wasn't aware that it hadn't happened since before her and JD were officially together. And that was almost nine months ago. It was insane to Veronica that she'd be pregnant for that long.

"Well we have to your father, obviously. Him and I will help you two get your own place and we'll find JD a job at your father's office." Valerie said.

"You're not mad?" Veronica asked.

"Oh, Ronnie, I'm livid. But I love you and I'm excited to be a grandmother. We all know Vincent isn't having his own kids because Courtney has two already." Valerie responded. She gave her daughter a kiss on the cheek and hugged JD. "Welcome to the family," She smiled at him before walking away. The clicking of her high heels faded as she went outside.

"That went better than I thought." Veronica admitted and JD nodded. "Just so you know, you'd be lucky if my father doesn't kill you." She laughed and walked away. JD followed her.

"Now we have to do the worse part." JD told her and Veronica groaned. They had to go tell JD's dad. They told Valerie where they were going.

JD knew that his father had no demolitions today. He only had meetings. Which meant he'd be home about now. About when JD would come home if there wasn't a bomb threat. JD and Veronica walked into the house and Bud came in a few minutes later to see the two teens sitting on the couch and whispering.

"What's all the whispering about?" Bud asked. JD thanked a god he didn't really believe in that his father wasn't drunk yet. When he wasn't drunk he was kind of a decent guy.

"Nothing really." JD lied.

"What's going on?" Bud asked. JD said the same thing again before he began to tell Bud.

"I wanted to let you know I'm moving out." JD told his father. Valerie said before they left that JD could stay with them until they found a place.

"Why?" Bud asked and JD had a thousand answers on his tongue that he bit.

"We're engaged." JD explained, meaning him and Veronica.

"That's good, I know you've been anxious to give her that ring. It set me back a lot." Bud said. "I thought it was a promise ring."

"It is." JD said.

"Then why are you engaged already?" Bud asked.

"Veronica's pregnant." JD told him.

"That's great! I'm happy for you two!" Bud laughed.

Then JD had to say the bad news and somewhat break his father's heart. "If you don't get sober, we don't want you in our child's life." He said.

Bud paused, nodding his head soberly. "You can pack your shit now." He told JD before walking away.

The first night in their new place, only a month later, they laid in bed together.

"Are you scared?" JD asked Veronica.

"Maybe. Are you?" She asked in response.

"I'm terrified." JD said and Veronica laughed.

"We'll be fine." Veronica told him.

"Do you have any names picked out?" JD asked.

"JD, I'm two and a half months pregnant. No, I don't really have names." Veronica chuckled at her fiancé's absurdity. "I do like the name Chloe for a girl though. I had a doll named Chloe as a kid and I've liked it since."

"I love that name." JD said.

"Then maybe, if we have a girl, that'll be her name." Veronica replied. "And it's definitely a girl."

JD laughed. "It's so a boy."

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