nine // funeral

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JD hated funerals. The first one he went to was the one of his mother's, and since then, he hated it. It also made him hate suits. Jesse's funeral is the first time he's put one on since his and Veronica's wedding, before that he wore a tux to prom and a suit to the first funeral. He wasn't happy that the funeral he had to go to was his son's, he figured it'd be his father's or even his own funeral.

The only funerals Veronica had been to were Heather Chandler, Kurt Kelly and Ram Sweeney's. At least, they were the only ones she remembered. Her grandfathers died before she was born and her grandmothers died before she was seven.

Chloe had never gone to a funeral. She went to her great grandfather's wake, but the funeral was separate from it. It felt awkward for her to watch them bury her brother, the brother she killed without remorse. But she was starting to feel guilty. She didn't really want him dead, she just wanted him out of her life. Finn convinced her to kill him. He had to scream at her so she'd be the one shooting him. Even though she begged not to. But he hit her in the face and she agreed to shoot her brother and help stage his suicide. She didn't want him to get even more mad at her.

You idiot! You have to fucking shoot him or the whole plan makes no sense!

Finn, I don't wanna.

Does it look like I give a shit?

Most everyone was giving speeches at Jesse's funeral. He never made friends so it was family only. Tara and her family didn't come to the funeral. Tara had already gone back to Reno. The only people there were JD's father, Veronica's parents and brother, JD, Veronica and Chloe. JD's grandmother couldn't attend, she was sick. Veronica's extended family lived all over the country and couldn't get away from their jobs or lives to attend a funeral of someone who technically wasn't their kin.

After the speeches, they watched Jesse be lowered into the ground in silence. Chloe felt the urge to jump in after him, she regretted everything that she did. Once Jesse was buried, everyone went back to JD and Veronica's for dinner. Everyone sat at the table, still wearing their funeral clothes with the exception of JD, who changed into his everyday clothes which were black as well. Everyone began to talk about Jesse, Veronica's parents had really good opinions of him. Bud never liked Jesse, but that was because Jesse reminded him a lot of JD. Veronica and JD talked about the time before Chloe was born, the time when Jesse was good.

"Chloe, do you have anything you want to say about Jesse?" Her grandmother, Valerie, asked.

"No." Chloe replied, going back to her dinner and taking a bite of the garlic chicken.

"Why not, Chlo?" Her uncle Vincent asked.

"No. I don't have any good memories with Jesse." Chloe repeated.

"Not even one?" Her grandfather, George, asked.

"No!" Chloe screamed. "Jesse was a monster!" She yelled before dropping her head into her hands and sobbing. Veronica and JD felt their hearts beat way too fast at that remark. It was all too similar to something Veronica said at Ms. Fleming's stupid assembly thing after the Westerburg 'Suicides'.

Heather was a monster! Just like Kurt and Ram and they didn't kill themselves, I killed them!

Everyone left after dinner. Bud went to speak to Detective Kelly. Valerie and George went home as did Vincent. Once she showered and put on her pajamas, Chloe went into her room and started to cry. Then there was a knock on the door. "Can I come in?" Asked Chloe's mother.

"Yeah, sure." Chloe said, quickly wiping her eyes so her mother didn't see her cry.

"Are you alright?" Veronica asked her teenage daughter.

"I'm fine," Chloe lied and Veronica chuckled.

"I can tell when you lie, Chlo." She said. "What's going on?"

"You wouldn't understand." Chloe insisted, not aware that her mother had committed crimes in the same vein as Chloe has.

"Try me." Veronica replied.

"I can't tell you." Chloe said.

"I'm here for you whenever you're ready to tell me." Veronica told her, smiling sadly before leaving the room.

After that, Chloe broke down into sobs again and cried herself to sleep.

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