seven // judge, jury and executioner

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Jason and Veronica Dean left their home at 7:00PM that Friday for their monthly date night. They gave Chloe and Jesse the money for a pizza or take out food. Chloe pulled out her phone and texted the code word to her friends to start their plan to stage Jesse's suicide.

"You up for a game of croquet?" Chloe asked Jesse.

"Always." He replied.

The two went outside and began their game of croquet. Chloe was blue, she was always blue unless her mother was playing, then she'd settle for yellow. Jesse was red all the time because JD and Veronica refused to play red. It was the color they liked the least, therefore he liked it the most.

The game went on as normal until Chloe received a text from Finn. Bianca, Lincoln and Finn were out front waiting for Chloe to respond. Jesse sat down in a lawn chair for Chloe to take her turn, surprised to see that Chloe was standing over him. Before he could stop her, he was knocked unconscious. Chloe sent her message to tell Finn, Bianca and Lincoln to come help her move Jesse to his room.

When Jesse awoke after about forty-five minutes, he was shocked to see that Chloe wasn't alone. His blonde sister was with a girl with auburn hair and two brunette boys. He was more so annoyed than shocked that he was tied to his desk chair.

"You're finally awake." Finn said with a sinister grin.

"Who the hell are you?" Jesse asked the teenage boy in his bedroom.

"I'm Finn, Chloe's boyfriend." Finn answered. "That's Bianca and Lincoln." He gestured towards his friends beside him.

"What's going on?" Jesse asked.

"A trial." Finn replied casually, noticing Jesse's confused look. "I will be your judge. Bianca and Lincoln will play the role of your jury. Chloe is your executioner." He added.

"Chloe wouldn't kill me." Jesse laughed. To him, the idea was preposterous. Chloe was the most innocent person he'd ever met. And she was going to kill him? That was worthy of a good chuckle.

"She would because if she doesn't, we all knew you'd kill us for being close to her." Finn said. Chloe looked scared and Jesse realized this. He noticed perhaps a hand print on her cheek.

"Now, we're going to untie your left hand, so you can write your suicide note." Lincoln added, moving to unbind Jesse's dominant hand so he could pen a fake suicide note. "Bianca, pen and notebook please." He called and Bianca sat the book on Jesse's lap, putting the pen in his hand.

"I'm not writing a suicide note." Jesse argued, his eyes widening as Chloe pulled a gun from behind her back.

"Yes, you are." Chloe muttered. Her eyes were wide and she looked like she did when she played pretend as a kid.

"See, if you don't write the note, Chloe will shoot and we'll make your body unidentifiable." Lincoln smirked.

"Start writing what I say." Chloe told Jesse, who sighed. "I know this might be shocking, but it is the natural answer to the myriad of problems life has given me. I spent my early life being abused and I was a murderer by the time I was thirteen." She paused, waiting for Jesse to finish writing.

"You can't do this to me, Chloe." Jesse begged after he finished writing.

"She isn't finished." Bianca scolded Jesse for speaking up when Chloe was directing his suicide note.

"I killed Isabella Henry. It wasn't an accident. When I was done, I held the bloody croquet mallet in my hands and smiled at my mom Veronica and my sister Chloe. I was proud of myself. After I murdered Bella, I began to make my sister live in fear that I would off her next. I even killed her pet cat because Chloe wasn't nearly as miserable as I was. I always resented that Veronica was her mother and not mine. I know that my father loved her more than me because she was Veronica's daughter too. I hate myself for the person I wasn't and know I am past redemption." Chloe took a breath. "For the last time, Jesse Abraham Dean." She finished.

Jesse completed the note, which Bianca took from him and sat on the desk.

"Chloe, you don't have to do this. I'm sorry." He lied. Jesse felt no remorse for tormenting Chloe or killing Bella. He simply didn't want to die. He did want to help Chloe though.

"You know what you said to me a long time ago?" Chloe asked, cocking the gun and walking to Jesse's left side.

"What's that?" Jesse asked.

"This isn't a game of kickball. Sorry won't bring her back to life. And sorry won't bring you back to life either." Chloe said, pressing the gun to Jesse's temple and firing. She dropped the revolver to the ground, placing it to make it look like it fell from her brother's hand. The blood splattered in her face and she started to scream. Before she could get loud, Finn covered her mouth and grinned. She went to the bathroom to wash up after Finn kissed her and licked some of the blood off her cheek. Bianca, Lincoln and Finn all went into Finn's car, waiting for Chloe to join them after she finished washing up and untying Jesse. She sent a quick text to her mother, saying she went out with her friends before taking the rope with her to the car. She got in and they drove to Lincoln's house, disposing of the rope along the way there.

By the time the blood hit her, she hated what she had done.

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