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During dinner the next night, Detective Kelly knocked on the front door of the Dean residence. JD went to answer it, while Chloe and Veronica continued to eat. Bud was already traveling back to Tulsa.

"Mr. Dean," Detective Kelly greeted.

"Detective Kelly, how may I help you?" JD asked.

"Is Chloe here?" Detective Kelly asked.

"Yes, why?" JD asked.

"Lab results came back, Mr. Dean. There was no gunshot residue on Jesse's hands. He didn't shoot himself." Detective Kelly explained.

"What does that have to do with Chloe?" JD asked.

"Gunshot residue was found on her hands, and clothes. Mr. Dean, your daughter killed Jesse." Detective Kelly answered. "We have a warrant for her arrest."

After hearing the commotion of JD trying to block Detective Kelly from coming in, Veronica went to the door.

"What's going on?" Veronica asked.

"Mrs. Dean, we have a warrant for Chloe's arrest." Detective Kelly said.

"What, why?" Veronica asked, horrified that her daughter was about to be arrested.

"Mrs. Dean, Jesse didn't kill himself. Chloe killed him." Detective Kelly repeated the information she told JD, going on about the gunshot residue and the motive. Detective Kelly finally pushed past JD, going straight to the dining room where Chloe sat at the opulent table alone. "Stand up." Detective Kelly said and Chloe did as told.

"You can't take her!" Veronica shrieked, being held back by another officer.

"What's going on?" Chloe asked as Detective Kelly handcuffed her.

"Chloe Elizabeth Dean, you are under arrest for the murder of Jesse Abraham Dean. You have the right to remain silent, as anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney, in the event you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you." She read Chloe her Miranda Rights as she steered her out of the house.

"You don't understand!" Chloe sobbed as she was put in the car.

She cried the entire way to the precinct.

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