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The shop was busy early in the morning. The cold air outside is inviting more customers in Muffet's. The shop was filled with the warm and fresh air directly from the kitchen.

"Deary please assist this customer." Muffet spoke to Shell.
"Will do." Shell replied with a smile across her face.

I was one of a few humans to live in what they call 'The Monster City'. The city in which the king of monsters, Asgore, decide to govern after the monsters broke the barrier.

Before Asgore govern the city, there were humans who domain the land. To my surprise, Asgore was kind to those humans and he requested that they'll live in harmony together.

Soon, most of the humans who were living in mount Ebott relocate themselves in a bigger town. They spread the news that monsters broke the barrier, but only few visited.

When I visited 'The Monster City', I decided to stay. The city was filled with wonderful street lights that shines at night. The city improved itself with King Asgore governing the city.

The city has 4 districts which are Hotland, Snowdin, Springdale and Autumn. I work and live in Springdale.

Chariel City was the actual name of the city. The king and queen decided to name it Chariel to commemorate the loss of their 2 children namely Chara and Asriel.

"Oh Frisk, can you help me in the cashier." One of my co-wokers told me. I quickly snapped out of myself and replied "Okay! Be there in a moment."

When I finished baking our specialty ,cinnamon buns, I quickly went to my co-worker who's name is Stelle.

Me, Shell and Stelle live in the same apartment. I was the only human that worked at Muffet's.

"Hey Frisk! Can you help me over here. This customer is a bit... drunk." She was speaking nervously. Being her friend and co-worker, I gladly helped her. I took her spot and dealt with the pissed off man.

"Hi sir, what can I help you find today?" I started. I tried to act out as if I'm not nervous.

The man is seriously drunk.

"Ya know what I want sweetheart?" The man asked.

I think he drank too much.

"Sire, please if you're drunk, get out." I told him. I standed firmly. "Now, who told you I was drunk?" He asked me.

"Sir may I please take your order." I asked him. I prayed that his answer is not like those other boys those 'Hey! I want you sweetcheeks.'. They really piss me off.

"My order, hmmmmm, well, I want YOU sweetheart." He told me. I didn't blush since I already know how to deal with people like this.

Then I saw some cops went in Muffet's store. They smashed the glass door with their bare hands, of coure I was amazed.

Then they started to pull out the guns and pointed it to the man. One cop ordered us to fet out of the shop. But, the workers, including me, stayed.

"HEY YOU SMILY TRASHBAG! GET OVER HERE! EVERYONE STAY OUT OF THIS MADNESS!" A fish lady said. "Looks like ya got me Undyne... welp, better say goodbye to sweetcheeks here." He told me. I was wondering if he's seducing me, but that thought vanished quickly.

He held his hand up like he surrender or something. The other cops quickly handcuffed him. I wonder why...

"GET IN THE CAR YOU JERK." The fish lady or should I say Undyne, ordered the man.

"Deary are you alright?" Muffet asked me in a concerned tone. "S-sure I'm fine." I  replied. Surely I was not but, I'm good at acting anyways so... yeah.

I wondered why Undyne and the other cops wanted to get the man. I mean, he's just drunk... right?

After the incident, all customers stayed outside, some of them left while some of them stayed. All of the workers at Muffet's cleaned the store. There were shattered glass all over the floor, there was also frosting that spread across the floor.

Everything is a mess.

After we cleaned the shop it was past 8. We watched the television while we rest. I changed the channel to watch the news. I saw the man in the shop.

"Good Evening ladies and genlemen. Our current news for today is what appears to be an escaped criminal. This man's name is Sans but he preferred to be called as G."

So that's he's name. Huh.

"According to some people, G barged into Muffet's and told one worker that he wants her. We have not yet known the reason on why he did this. This repo-"

I changed the channel again. I don't want to see that bitch again.

"Hey Frisk! We're watching!" Shell demanded for an explanation for me changing the channel. "Ohh sorry Elly(my nickname for her) I didn't know you were watching. I just don't want to see his face again. It annoys me." I told her.

After 9 pm we were ready to go home. Me, Shell and Stelle went to our apartment after saying goodbye Muffet.

"Heh. Lucky Frisk." I heard Shell whisper to herself. Curiosity filled me. But, there was always regret. That painful regret.

I didn't let myself win over my curiosity. It took over me. "Excuse me?" I asked.

"You were so lucky. He was so, so hot. And charming." She told me. "I wasn't lucky." I told her. "He was actually forcing me. If you don't know how to deal with men like him, you'll regret it."


"Well you were lucky because you know how to deal with him is that it?! I was alone for years, trying to find the perfect match to light my remaining years. But, I never found one... You were lucky that you got a chance to get one, yet you didn't accept him." Jelousy filled her.

"Look, Shell, if you were I, would you think that you will accept a man who escaped in prison, probably one of the most dangerous criminal and probably had children with many women?" I told her.

Silence fill the room.

"If you accepted him then he'll most likly cheat on you considering the fact that he's a criminal. Look Elly, I want to protect you, I must protect you and I'm gonna protect you even if I die. Because, that's what friends are for right...?" I glanced at Stelle who was in the corner of the room.

"I am willing to die for you guys." I opened my arms to signal Stelle that we should do a group hug. Stell stood up from the corner and went to us and hugged us. We hugged each other until we eventually got tired of it and we went back doing our chores.

"Thank you, Frisk." I heard Shell whisper. I whispered back and said "Your Welcome."

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