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"Error will believe that our timeline is more than just an error, it is a disaster. You will just make the situation worse. I'm not surprised, you always make the situation worst." Sans hissed.

"B-but, Sans, you were not like that before. You are just like me. You were the boss of your self. Please, I don't want you to be like this. Please... Sans..." Frisk whimpered.


Undyne and G kept talking and battling with each other. Some guards even fell asleep. Asriel gave up on waiting and waved me goodbye and good luck. He, then, left me.

I also lost my temper, "You guys will resolve your fucking problem or I will just go upstairs with Asriel!"

Then, they were silent. "Heh, good luck Frisk. You can go inside now..." Undyne commanded me.

The moment I entered G's cell, a cold wind hit me. It swirled around me giving me shivers.

G was in handcuffs so that means he can't hurt me. That is a good thing. And even though they know that Chara was the one who killed Anderson and Brendel, they still handcuffed me. Well, at least G can't attack me.

Undyne left us. There were guards surrounding our cell now. I was obviously bored...

While waiting for dinner, sometimes G would ask me "Who really are you? Are you Frisk or Chara?" Well, I answered him I said that I am Frisk.

We waited. It was 2 hours of waiting. How do I know? I saw the watch of the guard.

We walked for a long distance. Some where at our back holding our hands with our handcuffs on.

G would sometimes stop to stare at some markings on the wall. He also touches them. It feels like he is being reminded of his past when he touches those. I wonder why...
Is it something that he lost? Is it someone close to him that was lost in his heart? Or, perhaps is it a memory. That he would like to keep forever.

He is also whispering some words to himself.
"Pl----, F----, -om- b---. I ---- you. P----, ---- --ck."

I had so many questions in my mind right now. Starting of with, Why didn't the guards bother G doing non-sense? Next, Why on Earth did G do all those weird things?

So many questions filled my head. I want answers to those questions.

There was also when he stares at me for a very long time. Well, obviously, I became anxious of myself. I checked myself... was there something on my face? Or was it my way of walking?

I thought.

"Is there something I can help you with?" I asked G.

He didn't respond. He just keep staring at me... until I eventually got tired of his weirdness. "G, what the fuck! Why do you keep staring at the fucking girl on your side? Why won't you just stare at the fucking wall because you make me more fucking anxious."

G smirked. "Heh, why won't you stare back at the fucking skeleton here on your side insead that saying your fucking speech?"

I was frustrated. "Grrrrrr. Nevermind. Keep staring at the fucking girl on your side then." I growled.

The guards were kind of laughing. But they were too silent for G to hear. Or at least I think they are.

When we reached the stairs, we climbed. G tried to make me fall by pushing me using his side. Then, he extended his leg to let me trip. The list goes on.

The stares were also steep which makes it hard for me to climb. Unlike the staires in my apartment before, the stairs were not steep at all.

Then, we reached the top. One guard reminded me to take the pills Undyne had given me. So, I took them out of my pocket and tokk one. The pill taste like the first food that I ate here, sour with a bitter taste. Or was it the other way around?

There was also a very long corridor in the way to the cafeteria. About 30 minutes.

On the way, G also was observant on the surroundings. He looked at every cell we passed trough.

Kill everyone

I heard Chara's voice... But I ignored it. I tried to follow Undyne's advise. 'Be strong Frisk. You can defeat Chara.' I told myself

Frisk. I know what G would do to you... AND I KNOW THAT YOU KNOW IT TO... Hehehehehe-

The voice stopped. But, their last words terrified me. I know the things G can do to me. A-and I want to avoid it. But I don't know how.

That makes me look at G. I wonder if he will ever do those things to me.

"Now look at who's starin' at the hot guy next to her." G teased me.

"I-i was just w-wondering something." I yild him as I quickly looked away.

"Say, did you really fell in the Underground?" G asked me.

"No. Why do you ask?"

"Nothing really. You look like my fallen human friend. But, I have already accepted that she is gone now. She would have come back a long time ago." G confessed.

I was silent. I tried to understand the pain that G had. I wondered why he would open up for me. Was it because he thought I would understand it?

"Heh, who am I kidding. She's gone a very long time ago. You wouldn't understand anyways. As if you are her." He silently whimpered.

"Get going and shut your ugly mouth up." One guard complained.

So, we stopped talking dramatically and get going.

G continues to stare at the empty cells. My mind still wonders about the weird things he do.

Why does he have to those strange things he do? Those things creeps me out.

Anyways, we entered the cafeteria. The guards removed our handcuffs. And, the cafeteria became silent. I searched for Asriel.

He was being beaten up.

Hahahahahahahaha. I ran out of things t write... SO I JUST PUT RANDOM WORDS HAHAHAHAHAHA

Sorry for the cliff hangers. >=)

Goodbye my lil randoms!

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