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"You really are a pain in the neck sweetheart." Sans told me bitterly.

I have no other choice but to attack him. He killed almost everyone. I need to stop him to stop the damage he is doing.

But, whatever I do, I cannot place a single strike on him. With Chara's intelligence and determination and with San's power and karma, they are unbeatable.


"Well, answer my fucking question. It's your only fucking excuse to stare at me." I told him.

"Tch. I don't bother if ya always ask dumb questions for permissions for me to stare at you." He told me bitterly. His words threatening me.

I glanced at him. He is avoiding eye contact. He stares at the ceiling. "To be honest, you do remind me of someone." He stood up, walked to my direction and stopped in front of me. "You remind me of someone that I lost years ago." He said as he touched my face gently.

I shivered in fear.

There are a lot of things he can do to you Frisky~
Just follow my advise and you'll be out of this crappy junkyard in no time.

I was also afraid of Chara. They are traumatizing me in me losing my virginity. I-i can't handle living with G. I can't handle living in this jail with G.

I slept in the corner of our cell, trying to ignore G's snore. I can't sleep because my fucking cellmate snores. When I approached him to wake him up, I felt like an earthquake happen. I cannot describe how loud his snores were.

Only one of the guards were guarding us. He signals me to get closer. "Doesn't he have a destructive snore?" He pulls up a joke. We silently laughed together. "Did you experience this every night?" I asked him. "Yeah, I was the only one who can tolerate his snores." He cracks up another. We laughed silently making surs G doesn't wakes up. "Oh, drink your medicine now, it's almost 6 hours." He reminded me. "Thank you for reminding me!" I drank up the medication Alphys gave me.

We enjoyed each other's company. Laughing and talking through the hours. Gossiping about G and his tiny little secrets. "Hehehe do you know G also drools?" He told me. I snickered and asked "Really? So he snores and drools? Hahaha, does he drool that much?"
"Oh he does drool that much... you never know the face when he wakes up." He chucked.

I wanted to make sure that he is not lying. I crept slowly to G. I checked on his face. Looking for evidences of G's saliva.

There, I saw G's saliva at it's natural environment. It is G's whole fucking face.

I laughed silently... but, I couldn't hear G's snore anymore. I was afaid that G was awake this whole time.

I checked on him again... "My sweet honey bunny, you are the best waifu me evie havie." He told me...

I laughed loudly because I cannot control it even more. The guard also laughed with me.

We both laugh loudly for G to wake up. "Oh shit, mister snores-a-lot woke up. Hahaha!" I chucked even more. The guard laughed silently. I thought if he laughed loudly, other guards will go down.

"Wha- who, tch, don't wake me up sweetheart. Wake me up when breakfast is ready." He mumbled. We laughed at G. He is so funny when he does not terrify other people.

"I wish he would always be like this." I told the guard. "What do you mean Frisk?" He asked. I stayed silent for a minute. "I mean, look at him. Would it be nice for him to be like that when he is in his normal state? He would be a great person. A funny person to be honest." I responded while imagining G being nice.

"Yeah, that would be really nice..." The guard agreed with me. He smiled. "I thought, imprisoning G would make his behavior better. But, I guess it got worse..."

Me and my curiosity wondered. "What do you mean by that?" I asked, hoping to recieve an answer. But he said "Sorry, I am not allowed to share my knowledge with any prisoner... maybe next time? When we have some privacy?"

I nod. Trying to form a fake smile. I really wanted to know G's past. I mean, I want to know more... I just know that his name was Sans... and he changed it. I don't know why...

"Fluffy bacon muffins. Mhhhhmmmmmmm. I wantz to zeat." G mumbled. Me and the guard laughed silently while trying to imagine what a 'fluffy bacon muffin' looks like. (First weird food that entered in my brain while writting this crap...)

"Pfftttttt! What are bacon muffins?" I asked the guard. "Hahahaha, he is used to saying a lot, I mean A LOT of weird foods when he sleeps. "Why does he do that?" I asked. Again, he hesitated. But, he told me the answer. "I have heard some rumors that those were the foods he eat before he got in prison." I laughed my ass off on that one.

"Why the fuck will he eat a bacon muffin? Hahaha! I wonder how that tastes like!" I told him.

We both laughed at that one. While we are laughing we heard G saying random foods like 'veggie cake'. We wondered what that would be...

"Is there such thing as veggie cake? Hahaha I think not..." I told the guard. We laughed together.

Moring is near and I haven't slept. I was tired obviously. I yawned, "What time is it?" I asked the guard. "It's almost 4:30 A.M. Other guards will come down any minute. I should stop talking to you. The guards may arrest me for having a chat with a prisoner. It is against our rules to talk to prisoners."

We started to hear foot steps. The guard began to go awat from me but I pinched him. "Wait! I didn't catch your name!" I told him. He smiled and said, "Well, I didn't gave it to you the first place. Hahaha!" He laughed.

I first got irritated at his joke but laughed later. "You can call me Leslei." He told me.

Destiny [Echotale FRANS] {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now