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"I know who you are... we were friends... Don't you remember? They are just controlling you. Please. Remember me."


"So you won't tell me ya fuckin' name?" He warned me.

"Do you have amnesia or something... I already told my name."

He was furious.

"Why should I tell you my name again? I already told you Frisk's and mine before. right? And ya still want my name... You still want more... You seem too familiar to me comedian. Tell me. Are you really Sans? And you lived a life before in the Underground?" I wanted to verify if that is really him. The skeleton that I took control once. The skeleton who was once soft towards people. The skeleton... that I betrayed before. The skeleton...

After I became corrupted, I had forgoten about Asriel. Though, I remember some of the memories I shared with Asriel. I also have controlled some fallen humans. One of the humans were Frisk.

I was surprised why G and Frisk haven't recognized each other. They had been so close when they were trapped in the Underground... maybe, just maybe, Gaster was involved but there are no chances he could have been involved in their memory loss. I know Gaster very well. I know his every moves. I mastered them.

I knew Gaster because I helped him control them. I helped him control all the monsters. But, that Frisk, she saved them. It's all her fault. But now, I have a chance to change it all. I must be very careful not to let things slide. G might remember the name 'Chara'. He might warn Frisk that I am planning to control them again.

Though, to be honest the comedian changed. He wasn't like that before. He wasn't that badass before. He changed. Like Frisk. Like Undyne.

Frisk, she wanted to save everyone. She won't use violence to solve their problems. She would never use violence.

Undyne... she won't hurt anyone who is close to her. Sans and Frisk is very close to her but she wanted them to be in prison. Or... was it just her job? I mean, she is a royal guard, the head of the royal guards. She will put anyone in jail if she see someone who is doing something wrong.

Gaster did something in the timeline. I need to know what it is. I need to know why he did it. I need to know how he did it.

"Heh, ya sure know a lot bout me sweety. I've got a better question for ya. How did ya get that info?" He was curios of the things he won't understand.

I noticed Asriel. He was giving me Frisk's watch. I quickly snatched and wore it. I don't want Asriel to take Frisk's watch again.

"I know all those things because I experienced all of those." I told him bitterly.

"Why did you say you experienced those? Why do you know my past?" He asked me.
"None of your business."
"It is my business. B'cause it's mah privacy."
"Well... I-i just experienced it. You don't need to understand the knowledge your non-existing brain can handle."

I was too careless. I let out an important information. I must be careful.

"Tch. I must go. I only came here for Frisk's watch and my food." I told G.

G was angry... no, he was annoyed. I can see it in his face.

"You will tell me how you got that information or your fucking body will be beaten so badly."

"Do you mean this body... ? Tch. It's not even mine. And if you do beat Frisk's body, the guards will get you and throw you back in your cell." I replied bitterly.

He stopped. He calmed a little. He is so foolish to think that the guards, especially Undyne, will get him.

I got my food and brought it to my cell. I was happy for my accomplishment to beat the fuck out of G. Even though I didn't beat him physically.

I was happy... I ate my food alone. I rested and smiled. I enjoyed the silence until I let Frisk take over her body again.

"Umm... Thanks, Frisk. I really apprieciate the things you do."

'No worries Chara. But may I ask you something... Did you harm anyone while you were using your body?'

"Umm... no. But, Asriel ran away with your watch and I chased him but Asriel bumped G and G sorta got mad. You should watch out for G the next time you bump into each other."

Frisk was a little disappointed. I need to be careful next time she lends me her body. I must gain her trust. I must not fail him. I must not fail...

Asriel came in Frisk's cell. He spoke to Frisk, not me. I don't know why he can tell who's controlling Frisk's body.

I must investigate.

This may interfere my plans. I must know.

"Sorry Frisk for taking your watch..." Asriel started.
"No problem Asriel."

I began to have the feeling that I shouldn't let go of Frisk's body yet...

"It's because... I wanted to prove Chara that she is still... well, Chara."
"What do you mean?"

Oh no, he'll tell Frisk about my life before I was corrupted.
I tried to tell Frisk that he is just telling lies but Frisk is too intrested in Asriel's words.

"Before she was murderous, like me before, she was loving. She smiles a lot. Not the smile that creeps you out. The smile that you would like to see everyday. The smile that gives your heart the tender it once has. The smile that you will surely enjoy."

"Chara was like that before?"

"Yes. I know that she still has that smile somewhere in her heart. I know her very well, she could not forget how to smile like that."

I won't change any more Asriel

I told myself those words so many times. I will never change. I was a coward before and now I am not. I will not let myself become a coward again. I shall fulfill my promise to Gaster.

Destiny [Echotale FRANS] {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now