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"Frisk. Frisk. Frisk!" I woke up hearing that sound.
"Y-yeah, s-sure. F-five more minutes please." I begged her. I can't really see who that person was.

"Frisk, your alarm had been ringing for 10 minutes now. Wake up!" I have recognize the voice, it belongs to Stelle.

"Fine. Fine. I'm waking up." I told Stelle.

I'm such a lazy bone head.

I woke up with the air filled with fresh cinnamon buns which was baked by Shell.
I started to eat those cinnamon buns. It tasted like Heaven.

The cinnamon filling inside the bun was so good. It had the perfect taste my mouth wanted.

The cream cheese frosting was so creamy yet so cheesy. It blended perfectly together. The ratio of the filling and the frosting balanced each other.

The cinnamon scent can still be smelled. The sight of the cinnamon bun is also a masterpiece. The cinnamon bun is perfectly round. The distribution of the frosting is perfect.

My overall rating for Shell's cinnamon bun is 5 stars. Although the recipe of the bun belongs to Muffet.

Shell also baked another pastry. She baked bleberry muffins.

One of her specialty. I quickly took 2 muffins. "You baked Blueberry Muffins? For me? I didn't remember the last time you baked me muffins!" I told Shell who's just finished cleaning up.

"Yes I baked Blueberry Muffins. But, it's not only for you, it's for three of us. And I just baked you Blueberry Muffins the day before yesterday." She said while eating her baked goods.

"Ohh, hehehe I must have forgoten." My face was tinted with a pink blush because I was embarrassed.

After I ate breakfast, I bathe inside the bathroom. I then grabbed a black t-shirt with dark red-violet stripes in it. Then I also wore a shawl just in case it gets cold like yesterday.

Then I grabbed my Yellow bag and my Blue water jug.

I was the last person to go out of the room in our apartment. I checked everything before I left.

When I went outside our apartment, the cold air hit my face. It swirled around me. Luckily I wore my shawl.

While we we're walking towards Muffet's, we saw a crowd in front of the shop. We don't want tk get involved so we used the backdoor. Stelle used her keys to open the PULL TO OPEN door.

"Oh deary~ I think we have a little problem." Muffet told us while she was locking the backdoor. "I think G's appearance yesterday made our shop a little... famous."

We waited for everyone outside to go away. While we wait, my co-workers enter one by one.

There was one person who is left outside waiting. And surprisingly, Muffet knows him.

"Mettaton, what do you want from us." She said while opening the door. "Darling, I heard that one person here got lucky with G. May I have a word with her?"

Shit. Is he talking about me?!

"Look, Frisk isn't having her best day today after the incident yesterday. Please. Mettaton. Stop recording this. And please go away." My boss pleaded Mettaton. But Mettaton insisted that he must talk to me.

I suddenly noticed his metallic body getting closer to where I stand. His hands on his hips. His high heels making a terrifying sound that gets louder and louder each second. And his way of walking, my gosh, walking like a model or something.

"My, my, who do we have here? An eavesdropper I see. Tell me dear, what's your name?" Mettaton finally reached me. The cameras are focused on me. All eyes in the room settles in me.

"Mettaton! Get away from Frisk!" My boss commanded Mettaton. But he didn't seem to follow any orders from her.

"So you are Frisk? Tell me, how does it feel to be flirted by G himself? And what did he said to you? Were you conviced? Did you want him? I heard rumors about you wanting him Frisk, so was it true? What did you say to him in reply?" Mettaton asked me with questions but there is one question that got stuck on my head.

Do you want him?

"Mettaton, those rumors are not true. I never want to be with that Bastard. I mean can you look at him?! He's a prisoner! A wanted pers-" Mettaton cut me off by saying "Wanted by you?"

That made me blush with anger. I had it. "METTATON, PLEASE. I. WOULD. NEVER. WANT. HIM."

"Mettaton, I think it's time for you to go." My boss told him. My other co-workers pushed Mettaton and his crew outside the shop.

"Hey Frisk, you ok there?" Shell asked me. I had felt her concern in those words. "Yeah, sure." I lied.

"Are you sure? Do you need something else?" She asked again. "Yes. I'm sure. I don't need anything else." I lied.

Each moment I lied, I feel like a knot is being tied in my stomach. It wants to make me puke. And everytime I want to puke, I swallowed it, holding it in my stomach.

It hurts me when I lie... will it hurt the person I lied to?

Which do I prefer, the hard truth or the easy lies?

Both will still hurt my friends, but I prefer to tell lies.

Sometimes I wondered if I was born to make lies. If I was destined to hide the harsh truth... Every person I meet, I lied to that person, except to G.

I didn't lie to him. Well obviously I didn't lie to the people buying at Muffet's but the one person I didn't lie to (that I had a conversation with) is G. We had a conversation. But never I had lied to him.

But, I never want to meet that Bastard again. Well, there is less than 1 percent chance of seeing him again. But, let's not think of the worst situation here.

There, a normal(well I wouldn't call it normal) day had passed. And I'm still wishing that I'll never see G's face ever again.

Destiny [Echotale FRANS] {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now