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"N-no you don't know anything... y-you're just an anomaly. You're created to follow... Stop saying you know me because you were ment to forget me and you were ment to kill me..."


"Please tell me more. I'm interested in their story." I told Asriel. He also seems interested in telling me Chara's story.

"Well, before we got corrupted, Chara was my sister. Well, my adoptive sister." He continued, "We were living happily in the Underground with our parents."

"That doesn't seem too bad. I would be happy if I live the-" He didn't let me bother in telling Chara's past.

"One day, we wandered off because of curiosity. We both got separated. I didn't remember why I got corrupted. Then, Chara got corrupted. Everything changed since then, my mother lived in the Ruins and my father became a heartless monster."

"Well, what happend after? Why did you went back to normal?"

"I became a flower. That was my form when I was corrupted. When I came to my father, Asgore, he vowed to kill 7 humans that will fall in the Underground.

When I came to my mother, Toriel, she promised that she will protect all humans that will fall in the Underground.

Well, I decided to teach the fallen humans on the basic things then I decided to test their strength. So, I battled them."

"What happend to you then?" I asked.

"Well, when the seventh human fell, they did a pacifist then they eventually got tired so they did a genocide. Chara was the one controlling them to kill everyone. Then, the fallen human managed to control their body back. That is when they did a reset. Then, they did a pacifist again. That is when they broke the barrier."

"What happend to you? Are you still a flower by that time?"

"No. The fallen human helped me... They were so nice... Would you like to know who they are?"

I was obviously surprised. Not every person I met would be like Asriel. Especially when we just met. And I wouldn't waste the chance to know who the lovely person was. "Yes!" I replied joyfuly.

He smiled. "Well, their name is Frisk, Frisk Dreemurr."

I was shocked, "What? B-but that's my name. It's not possible. I never fell in the Underground. Maybe you have just mispronounced the name..."

I was confused but Asriel seems confident that he had not mispronounced the fallen human's name.

"I know, that's what I observed. You, G and Undyne barely remembered each other. Gaster must have done something in the timeline. Or, maybe, no it couldn't be..."
treat treat
I was curious. I need to know who that person is. "Who is it?" I asked.
"I need to talk to you privately, without Chara. And, please don't let my sister control your body again. It's for the sake of every monster. Especially me."

My brain wonders more in every words he say. Since when did Chara became a treat? They had always been a good friend to me. Or, at least I think they were.

"Listen. Frisk. You need to remember your past. It's for the sake of all monsters. Please. You need to not let Chara control your body again. Please. Trust me on this." He smiled.

"I d-don't understand... How can Chara be so bad? They is so nice to me. I don't think they could be that bad."

He hesitated first. "Frisk. You need to trust me. They will do anything to rule the monster kind. Please, everyone could be in danger."

We didn't notice that everyone in the prison was listening to us. They were staring at us. They are probably wondering 'What are those two weirdo's talking?' or probably 'What do you mean by 'the monster kind depend on you'? Tch. Don't they know that we are the toughest monsters?'.

We were embarrassed. We went into the darker coner of our cell and talk silently.

"So, you're telling me to not trust Chara?" I began. "And you do know that they are hearing our conversarion right now?"

He seemed shocked. "W-what?! S-she had been listening to us! This whole time?! W-why didn't you t-tell me?!"

I can't find for a good excuse. I know that he needs one. " I-uh-um... I thought you already know that Chara listens to our conversation. So uh, I didn't tell you."

He wispered "Can you make them get away?"
"Why? I mean, even if you tell me I have no idea on how to make them go away." I confessed.

Then he panicked. "Aghhhh. You do know that they are going to kill me when they controled your body again!? They will be so mad because I revealed their plan. Then they will chase me then I will come across with G again and he'll also kill me. Then they will chase me. Then they will plan to kill me. Then I will die. Then Chara will rule the monster and human kind. Then they will rule the whole world. Then I will regret everything. Then I will be a flower again. Then until they won't reset I will be like a flower forever. Then after the reset, everything will happen again. Until the reset button breaks then the timeline will be corrupted then Error Sans will destroy this AU because this AU is practically useless now. Then we will be erased. Then, AGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!! I don't know what to do anymore!!!"

I was surprised to see him continue to say the worst possiblities that might happen. I tried to snap him out of it until I got tired. And eventually, he got tired and decided to rest.

"Asriel, are you alright?" I asked him.
"Y-yeah, sorry for over-reacting earlier. I just don't want them to go genocide again. Before, I watched them murder every single monster that goes in their way. I wanted to stop them, but, in my past form I was useless. I was a flower. So I can't really do sonething useful at that time."

I listened carefully. I told him sorry. He accepted it. And then we got out and ate lunch.

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