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I sat into one of the tables at the cafeteria.

My tray is full. Full with a sloppy, slimy, bubbly green substance. I don't know what the food is but I don't care because I'm super hungry.

I ate the food. I left nothing behind. Before the cafeteria was full, I already had 6 full bowls of the substance.

I didn't mind on the taste of the food. I just ate it.

When I realized the taste, it was bitter. It was bitter with a sour taste in it. My tastebuds hurts. I drank the water, the water tastes like it's from the sewage.

So, did you like the food here?

'What? No! Never! It tastes disgusting. I never want to eat it again.'

You'll get used to it someday.

I chuckled.

The cafeteria was a mess. Some prisoners held their food fights every now and then. There is also one thing I noticed, there was a fight.

The fight was between 2 men. Both were muscular and tall.

"Hey! Don't you dare call me stupid." One guy told the other one.
"Why wouldn't I? You didn't even started preschool! Bet your mama didn't even teach ya manners." The other guy replied back.

Everyone started cheering for the 2 guys. Half of them were cheering on Brendel. And the other half was cheering on Anderson.

I want to stop them but I'm afraid I'll get beaten, so I stayed at the table. My mouth was slightly open (but big enough for a fly to get in) and my eyes are wide open.

A part of me is saying that I must not be watching this violence. Another part enjoys watching them get hurt.

You see what I mean by 'only the fiercest gets in here'?

'Yeah I understood now.'

The 2 men fought so savagely. I'm enjoying this.

Wait- why am I enjoying this?
I shouldn't be!

Did my personality changed when I got here? Did the atmosphere of this prison changed me?

I must not enjoy this.

Yet it's so tempting to watch them fight.

They stoped when a man in handcuffs barged in the cafeteria. They sat down.

All of them became silent.

'Shit. I think that's G.'

G walked inside the cafeteria. He first scanned the room.

He saw one man. One man that was laughing, "This is the G guy you were all afraid of? Such cowards. Hahaha!" The man laughed even more. He went closer to G then, he laughed.

G, without any warnings, punched the man in the stomach. The man traveled a far distance. He slammed into the walls of the cafeteria.

His blood was leaking from his mouth.

I can't believe how strong G is.

G went closer to the man. "PLEASE! STOP! I'M SO SORRY. I WILL NOT UNDERESTIMATE YOU AGAIN! PLEASE!" The man begged for mercy. But, G didn't give him any.

He did an uppercut kick. He won't stop kicking him.

The blood from the man leaked fastly. I don't even know if he'll survive this.

The man bleeded.

G's bloodlust grew. Or at least I think it did.

Everyone stared at G beating the guy. Nobody stopped him until one man did.

"H-hey m-man, c-can you p-please s-stop b-b-beating m-my friend?" The guy stuttered. "YOU BITCH!!! YOUR SO STUPID!!! YOU ARE GONNA DIE!!! BRENDEL STOP!!!" The other guy( whose name is Anderson) told him. "Well, Anderson, I guess you were right about me being stupid after all." Brendel wore a smile on his face before he was kicked by G.



'I guess people are just... ya know, being themselves at the final moment of their lives.'

You're right. Heh, I r membered my last living moments.

G punched them both on their chins. They kept begging for G's mercy. G just ignored them.

I wondered, is G enjoying this?

I mean... there is so much violence. So much blood dripping down their mouths.

I can't stop them or else I will be hurt too.

I can't do anything.

I could hear Anderson and Brendel say these words:
"W-when we die, I w-want u-us to co-ontinue our g-gay love."
"D-don't say t-that, w-we are going t-to live."
"I-i think I might n-not ma-ake it b-bro."
"BRO w-we wil s-survive!"

After Anderson said that, G stopped.

For a second there I thought he was giving mercy.
But he said "Heh, Imma just take mah lunch ya gays. Don't move kay?"

Anderson and Brendel nodded. They understood that if they ran, they will be killed by G.

When G left them, I examined Anderson and Brendel.

Anderson got more wounds and bruises than Brendel. I thought that maybe because of their 'gayness' Anderson tried to protect Brendel.

On the other hand, Brendel barely got any. His skin is almost fine, just small wounds.


Chara kept screaming those words in my brain.

I was then distracted when G started to walk towards me.

All prisoners give way for G. There all scared.

G stopped walking when he reached the table I ate.
"Hey sweetcheeks... aren't you the worker at Muffet's I flirted with?" He asked me.

I blushed with embarrassment. My face was in the color of carnations. "N-no, I'm not that person..." I told him.

"Preety sure ya are. She got a face like you, your voice is very similar to her and her hair is just like your hair."
"W-what... ?"
"Yup, you're that girl in my dreams."
"N-no I'm n-not!"
"Welp, can I sit here... ?" He asked me. I didn't response because I don't really know what to say.

If I said yes then he would probably flirt with me.

If I said no then he would kill me.

"Watcha answer?" His voice became more serious this time.

"... Ummm... n-no..." I told him.

Destiny [Echotale FRANS] {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now