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"F-frisk...?" I heard G whisper. "Please, just... r-reset."

"N-no! G I wil save us both without any resets, I know we will win!" My determination was high again. "G, I promise you!"


"Leslei, you know, I want to become a guard just like you!" I told him with enthusiasm. "Pfffttttt. What do you mean?" He laughed. He thought it was a joke that I made up.

"I mean, Undyne told me that I can become a police then I after some time, I will be a prisoner again. I just want to experience being with you." I smiled.

"Are you really sure about that decision? Being a guard is really hard. Like, super muscular guys like me can only pass the test!" He cracked a joke.

"Pfftttt. I can definitly beat you!" I told him. We laghed together. We didn't notice that it was already time for breakfast.

Undyne went to our cell. She said that we are getting closer. "Welp Frisk, since you still have a punishment for killing someone, and you look like you are getting closer with one of the guards, would you like to work in the police department?" She smiled.

"Undyne! Can I please be a police then a prisoner?! Please say yes!"

Undyne smiled at me. Her yellow-ish super sharp teeth shows. "Congratulations then! You are now a police!" She declared.

"Yes! Thank you Undyne! Thank you soooo much! Thank you!" I hugged her.

We celebrate. We laughed and smiled inside my cell. But, I noticed G smirking. He is smirking like I had done a move that I will regret. I shock my head and removed that thought.

"Ok Frisk, your training will start tomorrow morning. Expect that you will have some guards escort you to the training grounds." Undyne waved us goodbye and then she left.

After a minute or two, Leslei jumped in joy and started to shout. "Yey! Frisk is a guard now!!!"

Leslei cheered all day long while I just smiled at him. Though, I couldn't help but hear someone whisper. It's not Chara nor any other ghosts. I think it's G.

He was saying something along the lines of "Heh, good luck on the training camp bitch." And something like "Hope to see you in your fucking funeral... oh wait... I'm not going to attend to your free trip to hell."

And... I'm worried because of that.

When night came, around 7 o'clock, guards came to pick me up. "Get going fucking murderer. Get your ass up and follow us." Said one man with an eye patch on his left eye. "Yeah get going punk." He concluded.

After about 30 minutes, it got boring. So, I broke the silence. "So, um, what should I call you? I mean I will be working with you, right?" I awkwardly smiled at him.

He stared at me and laughed silently. "Heheh, you really think you would be a police?" He smirked and continue, "You would be in a somehow training camp and will be separated from us. You will not be a fully police dumbass. You will be under a training camp for a year and a half. And, heh, guess who's gonna train you?" He smirked again and answered his question. "Me! Who else would it be?! Hahaha! Good luck surviving the camp, princess." He smirked and got silence.

When I noticed that the terrain already changed, I asked him. "Umm, by the way, where are we going?" He smirked and told me "Almost there princess. Just you wait."

About 2 hours later we arrived to a totally unexpected place. "Um, hey, how can I call you? You didn't answer my question."
"You can call me sergent Markz."
"No. MarkZ. M-A-R-K-Z"
"Why is that your name?"
"Why is Frisk your name?" He smirked and guided me inside the training camp.

He showed me a room and he told me that this is the room that I will stay during the training camp. "You will stay here to rest for 2 hours... JUST KIDDING!!! Get your ass up and get going. Be faster. Training starts in exactly 5 minutes from now on. Meet me in the yard." He said that and left.

'I think I may have done the wrong choice.'

"Fine." I sighed. I got the uniform from the bed and put it on. "It's exactly... my size?" I questioned myself.

I went to the yard that 'sergent' Markz said. When I arrived he greeted me... well... somehow greeted me. "Good morning. I guess you have been resting for the past 3 minutes. BECAUSE YOUR FUCKING LATE. You are late for 3 minutes. Now, give me 30 push-ups."
"But I need to-"

I sighed and did push-ups. "Faster you bastard." He ordered. I did the push-ups faster.

"Then do 60 barbel squats at that corner with the barbel." He told me. I groaned and headed to the corner.

"FASTER!!!" He shouted. I ran to the corner and did what he told me. When I finished, he told me to do 240 squats. My jaw drooped.

I groaned and did the fucking squats. I finished when it's already lunch. "Now can I eat my lunch?" I groaned. He smirked and said "Sure. You deserved it. No jokes this time. Have a lunch break for 1 hour and 30 minutes." I smiled in joy and headed towards the cafeteria. I tried to find it but it took me 30 minutes. Great. 1 hour left.

I went to the cafeteria. I got my food and sat into one table. I happily ate my food. I finished in 30 minutes. I had 30 more minutes of free time so I decided to have a little tour inside the training camp.

I explored the area with my room first. "It's so large. Had sergent Markz had so much people to train before?" I asked myself. Until I recieved an answer, not from Chara nor Markz. But from someone else.

"Yuuupppp. I've seen him had so much people to train before sweetheart."

Destiny [Echotale FRANS] {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now