292 11 3

Anderson : What I'm not gonna say this line.

Author : You have to. And sorry for forcing you to say your line

Brendel : Yeah, I mean we are classmates! And your forcing us to say these lines to the whole world.

Anderson : Welp, just change the name! It's not a big deal.

Author : Well, it's too late.

Brendel : Well, we're just gonna have to do it the hard way.

Author : W-what do y-you mean?

Anderson : Yeah sure we'll read our lines but, we'll tell our parents that you bullied us.

Author : Wait! Please stop! I'm not going to do this again! Just please I'll do anything just say your lines and don't tell your parents! Please stop I'm begging you!

Anderson and Brendel : Hmmmmm, ANYTHING???

Author : Why do I get the feeling that something will go wrong... ?

Anderson : Well, you will have no hotspot for... let's say for a week or four.

Brendel : You must let meh hit ya again and again until I'm tired. And you will not get mad at me for saying your nickname.

Author : Shit this is not gonna end well

*When Brendel and Anderson said their lines*

Brendel : So, Imma hit ya now...

*Brendel starts hittin author*

Anderson : Now, you shall have no hotspot.


Chara : What the Fuck are they doing?

G sans : Not that much...
              Come here Frisky, it's time for us to get home after the recording is done.


G sans : What the... Chara stop controlling Frisk!

Chara : Opps Sorry...

G sans : Lets go home Frisk.

Frisk : Sure

*Frisk and G, including Chara, went home.*

*Brendel still hits author*

*Anderson still not giving meh any hotspot*

Yo Guys! The fight between me and my friends really happend. So if your reading this my friends, sorry.

I made this chapter for you to get back at me. So here, this chapter was made because of that.

Really sorry you guys. Brendel and Anderson. Please forgive me.

I really won't put you again in any of my chapters... PROMISE!

Imma put my other classmate in here. Hehehehe.

Im really sorry guys.

Brendel please forgive me.

Anderson, take all the time you want to not talk to me. It's the least I can do.

Anyways.... TO MAH READERS OF THE BOOK.... thank you for voting for this book.

Here are the rankings for my book as for August 25 of 2018

590 on frisk
35 on nolemons
145 on frans
311 on undertaleau
61 on echotale
36 on gsans

Thank you for your support. I promise this book will have no ending because I will have a plot twist in the end of this timeline.

Until then my dearest readers.
Have a nice day to you.

RandomPerson251 out.


"Well it's time for you to learn ya lesson."

That's it guys... tomorrow I'll try to publish 2-3 chapters if I can. Ok?


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