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'KILL HER SANS'Chara commanded Sans.

Sans did not follow them. He did nothing.

"Sans! Listen to me! They just want us to be their puppets! They just want to rule this Universe! Please, listen to me Sans. I know the real you can hear me... please, I still want a happy ending for us."


They are beating up Asriel! I ran quickly towards the corner where he is being beaten. He cried for help but no prisoner told the guards.

I ran to him as fast as I can. I screamed his name out loud but there was no answer.

I ran towards him. Ignoring every man that gets in my fucking way.

"Watch it!"
"You dirty little piece if shit! Come back here idiot!"
"Fuck you!"
"You will pay for this!" They all said those words but none of them mattered to me at this time.

When I got to Asriel, he was badly beaten up. Blood was present everywhere. Bruises and scares were seen in my friend's skin... or should I say fur.

Kill them Frisk... you want to get revenge right? This is your chance Frisk. Get revenge...

This time, I cannot control my anger. I attacked the monsters who almost kikled my friend.

I know that I will get in trouble but I don't care.

There were three monster who attacked Asriel. The lead was a monster with only one eye in his face. He looks like a cyclops. His 2 henchmen were identical. They both have wings on their back and a tail. They resemble a giant bird.

I attacked them brutally. I gave no mercy but I did not kill them. I let them live for them to endure the pain I gave them.

Yes! Yes Frisk! You are doing the right thing! Keep it up and we are out of this fucking jail in no time!

Chara's childish laugh echoed through my head. I can't control my anger anymore. But, I am not feeling regret. I feel great actually. I am having so much joy in seeing them suffer.

After a few minutes the lead of the group begged me for mercy. His henchmen were barely alive. "Ha! You think I am going to give you mercy?! Wrong! After what you did to my friend I am still going to share you my mercy! In your dreams cyclops. I don't take shit from anyone bitch." I growled.

I didn't stop until I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. Specially my right shoulder. "F-frisk, d-don't let C-chara control y-you a-again. Please, s-stop F-frisk." The voice told me. I looked back to see it was Asriel with Undyne.

"Punk, I gave you all the consideration that I can give you. Now, you are really a threat like G. From now on, I will treat you as a wanted criminal. Sorry to do this Frisk." Undyne told me.

I got control of my body again. Some nurses assisted the three fucking murderers that want to murder my friend.

Asriel comforted me. But I just ignored him. I grabbed my dinner and went back to my cell... with G of course.

I don't know what is wrong with him but he follows me. Literally everywhere. He followed me when I went down to our cell. He followed me when I went to Asriel. It was annoying me.

"Why are you following me?" I asked G. He wore his famous smirk, "Well, you guess. As if I care to tell you."

He is being more annoying. I didn't stop asking him why he is always following me. And eventually, I gave up when we reached our cell.

I want to sleep in the bed but G was there. I want to move him out of the fucking bed. "G. Can I sleep in the bed." I asked him. He smirked. "Y'a know... this bed has a room for two."

I turned red. "W-what!? I never want to be in bed with you!" I told him.

"Awww, come on. Don't you want to sleep with me? Every girl wants to be in bed with me"

"I-i don't even want to know why they want to be with you! You are a big nasty pervert!"

"Why? You jealous? Awww Frisky is getting jealous of the girls who slept with me. Hahahaha."

I turned redder.

"What? You now want to sleep with me? Ok! No problem. Just come over here."

"WHAT!? I don't even want to be with you here at the first place!"

"Then, why did you let Chara control your body?"

Silence filled the room. "Just as I thought." G said while lighting a cigar with... by just... using it without lighting it... waht? (This was intentional)

"H-how did you light t-the cigar?" I asked him. He wore his smirk again. "Paranormal things a mortal or a human won't understand. Or, also known as MAGIC~"

There, I lost my patience. I attacked him but I make sure that Chara wasn't controling me.

I attacked him but he dodged my every move. Until he told me something that shock me. "Hehehehe... you really want to sleep with me."

I have noticed our position. My legs spread. My hands were pinning him in the bed. My head close to his. My chest laying on his chest. His hands were on my shoulders.

"To be honest, you are really beautiful Frisk. But, you're smarts were too high for me." My face turned redder. I don't know if it is because G complimented me... more like a tease... or because I was so annoyed by him.

"Look, I don't know what you heard about me but whatever it is. It's not true. I don't believe in rumors and I think you shouldn't too." I told him bitterly.

He, then, stared at me. I wonder why he always does that. Maybe he wants me? Or, perhaps I look or acted like someone close to him...

I went to the corner avoiding G. "Does staring at me reminds you of someone?" I asked him.

He looked shocked. "I-i... um-well..."

Destiny [Echotale FRANS] {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now