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59.5 days
I try to open my eyes but they feel really heavy
I can feel someone holding my hand so I squeeze it with all my might and it was a pathetic result but the person on the other end started to talk to me straight away.
"Court? Shit Courtney are you awake? Please don't tell me I was imagining you squeezing my hand. You did just do that didn't you?" He rambled
I did what came naturally and smiled
"Oh my god! Courtney you just smiled! You're going to be okay. The doctors just said that you had a panic attack and then went into shock but they knocked you out with some thingy but you were meant to wake up hours ago and I was so worri-"
"Shut up Luke" I croaked out smiling
"Sorry I was rambling wasn't i?"
I opened my eyes now and chuckled "yeah"
"I'm just so glad you're ok"
"Of course I would be; I've got you to look forward to when I wake up"
He bit his lip ring
"Come here" I whispered
He brought his face closer to mine "what?"
I stole a kiss from him and he smiled but planted his lips firmly on my own causing the heart monitor to beat a little quicker
"Get some rest, I'll be here when you wake up" he said once he detached his lips from my own
I smiled and quickly drifted off into sleep
59 days
I woke to the smell of food and my stomach instantly grumbled
I opened my eyes and saw Luke sitting by the side of my bed eating a sandwich
"6 hours" he said checking his watch
"That's how long you've been out" he laughed
"The hell? Have you stayed here that entire time?"
"Yea- well apart from to get these sandwiches like thirty minutes ago" he said taking another bite
I mentally awwwww'd
"Here cutie" he passed me a sandwich, chicken tikka - my favourite
"Yes! My favourite" I said and literally licked my lips
"I know, I'm amazing" Luke piped up
"You're alright" I took a monster bite from the sandwich, moaning at how good it tasted
I finished it easily
The doctor walked in and explained a load of stuff then told me I had to see a therapist and start to take these pills, three different types - everyday.
I took the first set there and was then told I could leave at any point
The door shut behind the doctor
"Now." I started to get up and find my clothes as I was only in this weird hospital thing
"What?" Luke was confused
I put my underwear on straight away as that was really near me whereas the rest of my clothes were folded at the bottom of the bed so I stood up and reached for them
"We are leaving I hate hospitals"
Luke awkwardly coughed
"Your gown is umm it errr it doesn't have a back"
My face went bright red as I spun around realising that Luke had just seen the back of me in only a thong
"Sorry" I rushed and shimmied into my ripped skinny jeans
"Don't apologise" he stood up and towered over me taking both my hands in his and kissed my forehead
"I was enjoying the view" he chuckled
I shoved his chest laughing "you're such a pervy bastard"
He joined me laughing
"Turn around and cover your eyes" I said
"What? Come on really?"
"Yes do it!"
He obliged and I quickly took off the gown putting my bra on and fumbling with the clasp at the back
"Allow me" Luke came up behind me, his cold hands taking over from mine sending a shiver down my spine
"You weren't suppose to be looking" I mumbled
"I couldn't help it" he laughed
I turned around "Damn, put a top on" he said
"Oh ok" that hurt
"No! God no! I didn't mean it like that more of the fact that I don't want to have a awkward boner in the middle of a hospital because my gorgeous girlfriend was standing in front of me in ripped skinny jeans and a black lacy bra"
I couldn't help but laugh at that and grabbed my top putting it on
"Let's go" I pulled in his hand guiding him out of the hospital

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